And after that unique encounter with the Lord, it will happen to us as it did to those men and women who were cured of their illnesses in some city or on some road in Palestine: they were so joyful that they did not cease to proclaim everywhere what they had seen and heard, what the Master had worked in their souls or in their bodies. When a Christian leaves Mass having received Communion, he knows that he can no longer be happy alone, that he must communicate to others the marvel that is Christ. Every encounter with the Lord leads to this joy and the need to communicate this treasure to others. Thus, as a result of a great faith, Christianity spread in the first centuries: like a fire of peace and love that no one could stop.
If we manage to make our life revolve around the Holy Mass, we will find serenity and peace in every circumstance of the day, with a great eagerness to make it known, for "if we live the Mass well, how can we not continue the rest of the day with our thoughts on the Lord, with the itch not to stray from his presence, to work as he worked and to love as he loved? We learn then to thank the Lord for this other delicacy of his: that he did not want to limit his presence to the moment of the Sacrifice of the Altar, but that he decided to remain in the Holy Host that is reserved in the Tabernacle, in the Tabernacle".
For us too, the Tabernacle is always Bethany, "the quiet and peaceful place where Christ is, where we can tell him our worries, our sufferings, our illusions and our joys, with the same simplicity and naturalness with which those friends of his, Martha, Mary and Lazarus, spoke to him". In the Tabernacle we will find, when we return the visit to the Lord, the necessary strength to live as his disciples in the midst of the world. We too, like some souls who were very close to God , will be able to repeat with a heart full of joy: Ignem veni mittere in terram.... I have come to bring fire to the earth, and what do I want but for it to burn? It is the fire of divine love, which brings peace and happiness to souls, to the family, to the whole of society.