The light in us does not come from within us, from our own subjectivity, but from Jesus Christ. He said, "I am the light of the world; he who follows me does not walk in darkness. His light enlightens our consciences; indeed, it can make us the light that enlightens the lives of others: you are the light of the world. The Lord places all Christians in the world so that we may show the way to others with the light of Christ. We will do this by our word and, in particular, through our behavior in our professional, family and social duties. For this reason, we should know very well the limits of our actions in accordance with human honesty and the morals of Christ; be aware of the good that we can do, and do it; be clearly aware of what in our profession a good man and a good Christian cannot do, and avoid it; if we have made a mistake, ask forgiveness, correct it, and make reparation if necessary. The mother of a family whose sanctifying task is her home, should ask herself in her prayer if she is exemplary in her duties towards God, if she lives sobriety, if she masters her bad temper, if she dedicates the necessary time to her children and to the home.... The businessman must often consider whether he takes all the necessary means to know the social doctrine of the Church, and whether he strives to put it into practice in his business, in the world of his company, whether he pays just wages....
The Christian life is enriched by putting into practice, in daily affairs, the teachings that the Lord sends us through his Church. Doctrine thus takes on its full force. Doctrine and life are realities of a well-formed conscience. When, through more or less culpable ignorance, doctrine is unknown or when, knowing it, it is not put into practice, it becomes impossible to lead a Christian life and to advance on the path of holiness.
We all need to form an upright and delicate conscience that easily understands the voice of God in the affairs of daily life. Due moral knowledge and the effort to live the Christian virtues (doctrine and life) are the two essential aspects of the formation of conscience. At times, in the face of less clear situations that arise in our profession, we should consider them before God and, when necessary, seek the advice of those who can enlighten our conscience, and then put into practice the decisions we have made, with personal responsibility. No one can substitute for us, nor can we delegate this responsibility
In the general and particular examination of conscience we learn to be sincere with ourselves, calling our mistakes, weaknesses and lack of generosity by name, without masking them with false justifications or clichés of the environment. The conscience that does not want to recognize its faults leaves man at the mercy of his own whim.