Fruits of this act of piety

 "You began with your daily visit..... -No wonder you say to me: I am beginning to love the light of the Tabernacle with madness". The Visit to the Blessed Sacrament is an act of piety that takes only a few minutes, and yet how many graces, how much strength and peace the Lord gives us! There our presence of God improves throughout the day, and we draw strength to carry with panache the adversities of the day; there our eagerness to work better is kindled, and we take with us a good supply of peace and joy for family life.... The Lord, who is a good payer, is always grateful that we have come to visit him. "He is so grateful that a lifting up of our eyes to remember Him does not leave us without reward".

In the Visit to the Blessed Sacrament we are going to keep company with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for a few minutes. Perhaps that day there were not many who visited Him, although He was expecting them. That is why he is all the more happy to see us there. We will pray a customary prayer together with the spiritual Communion, we will ask him for help - spiritual and material -, we will tell him what worries us and what makes us happy, we will tell him that, in spite of our miseries, he can count on us to evangelize the world again, we will tell him, perhaps, that we want to bring him a friend.... "What shall we do, you sometimes ask, in the presence of God in the Blessed Sacrament? Love him, praise him, thank him and ask him, what does a thirsty person do in view of a crystal-clear fountain? ".

When we leave the temple, after these moments of prayer, peace will have grown in us, the decision to help others, and a lively desire to receive Communion, since intimacy with Jesus will only be fully realized in Communion. Finally, it will have helped us to increase the presence of God in the midst of our work and our daily occupations. It will be easy for us to maintain a relationship of friendship and trust with him throughout the day.

The first Christians, from the time they had churches and a reservation of the Blessed Sacrament, already lived this pious custom. Thus St. John Chrysostom comments on these brief words of the Gospel: "And Jesus went into the temple. This was the proper thing for a good son to do: to go at once to his father's house, to pay him there the honor due him. Like you, who must imitate Jesus Christ, when you enter a city you must first go to the church".

Once in the church, we can easily locate the tabernacle, which is where our attention should be directed in the first place, for it should be situated in a place "truly prominent" and "suitable for private prayer". And in it, the presence of the Most Holy Eucharist will be indicated by the small lamp which, as a sign of honor to the Lord, will burn continuously next to the tabernacle.

At the end of our prayer we ask our Blessed Mother Mary to teach us to treat Jesus really present in the tabernacle as she treated him in those years of her life in Nazareth.