Instrumentum Laboris, confirmed by Francis

The Vatican has released the document (Instrumentum Laboris) for the Synod of Bishops at the Synod on Synodality.

It stresses the "need" to "welcome...the divorced and remarried, persons in polygamous marriages, LGBTQ+ persons, etc."

Welcome... but no mention of repentance for mortal sins.

Says Nick Donnelly (English deacon): The Catholic Church cannot welcome and accept: unrepentant adulterers, unrepentant sodomites, unrepentant bigamists until they repent of their sin, they cannot receive the sacraments. Any pope, cardinal and bishop who says otherwise is a deceiver and a liar.

The document calls for more female government, the possibility of women deacons and married priests.

Issued at a press conference on June 20, the Instrumentum Laboris (IL), or working document, is particularly long: with a 10,000-word prologue and another 17,000 words in worksheets, which contain the topics for discussion at the next synodal meeting.

The text, as confirmed by Cardinal Hollerich, has been seen and consented to by Pope Francis.