Malawi - This was an event that united people of different religions, but it should not be to Francis' liking because it protests against homosexuality, it would be different if they had associated in the name of the same "god" to claim any banality. For Bergoglio has done nothing but support the LGBT and sin in general, with more or less dissimulation, protecting even within the Vatican itself the homosexual abuser clergy, elevating homosexuals to the episcopate/cardinalate, such as the current bishop of B Aires or the Prefect of the CDF, or James Martin himself whose ministry as gay has been praised by the pseudo pope, to name just a few.
He has also praised/appointed abortionists: (politicians: Panella, Bonino, Ploumen; members of the Academy for Life: Mazzucato, or Synod leaders like Cynthia Bailey Manns), or directly promoted Eucharistic sacrilege with Amoris Laetitia or inviting Protestants to communion.
And this debacle has only just begun.
Thousands of people gathered in Malawi's commercial capital, Blantyre, on July 13 to protest, as the Constitutional Court hears a case about Jan Willem Akstar, a Dutch national, and his transvestite concubine. The two men are challenging the country's progressive anti-homosex laws.
The country’s main religions, Christianity and Islam, lead the protests.
Blantyre Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa noted that homosex pseudo-marriages are a sin and that allowing them will lead to the extinction of humanity, because homosexuality is sterile and anti-family [as developments in decadent Western countries show].
In Malawi, homosexual acts carry a maximum prison sentence of 14 years.