Divine filiation, foundation of our peace and joy

"When man forgets his eternal destiny and the horizon of his life is limited to his earthly existence, he is content with a fictitious peace, with a tranquility only external to which he asks for the safeguard of the maximum material well-being that can be achieved with the minimum effort. In this way it builds an imperfect and unstable peace, for it is not rooted in the dignity of the human person, made in the image and likeness of God and called to divine filiation. You must never be content with these substitutes for peace; it would be a grave error, the fruit of which would produce the bitterest of disappointments. Jesus Christ already announced it shortly before the Ascension to heaven when he said to his disciples: 'Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you' (Jn 14:27).

"There are, therefore, two kinds of peace: that which men are capable of building by themselves, and that which is God's gift; (...) that which is imposed by the power of arms and that which is born of the heart. The first is fragile and insecure; it could be called a mere semblance of peace because it is founded on fear and distrust. The second, on the contrary, is a strong and lasting peace because, being founded on justice and love, it penetrates the heart; it is a gift that God grants to those who love his law (cf. Ps 119:165) "

If we are men and women who have true peace in our hearts, we will be better able to live as children of God and we will be better able to live in fraternity with others. Also, to the extent that we feel that we are children of God, we will be people of unalterable peace.

Divine filiation is the foundation of the Christian's peace and joy. In it we find the protection we need, the paternal warmth and confidence in the future. We live confident that behind all the ups and downs of life there is always a reason for good: all things contribute to the good of those who love God, as St. Paul said to the first Christians in Rome.

The consideration of our divine filiation will help us to be strong in the face of difficulties. "Do not be afraid, nor fear any harm, even if the circumstances in which you work are tremendous (...). God's hands are equally powerful and, if necessary, will work wonders ". We are well protected.

Let us try, then, in these days of Advent, to foster peace and joy, overcoming obstacles; let us learn to find the Lord in all things, even in difficult moments. "Seek the face of the One who always dwells, with a real and bodily presence, in his Church. Do at least what the disciples did. They had only a weak faith, they did not possess great confidence or peace, but at least they did not separate themselves from Christ (...). Do not defend yourselves from Him, but when you are in trouble, turn to Him, day after day, asking Him fervently and perseveringly for that which He alone can give (...). Thus, even if He observes so much lack of firmness in you, which should not exist, He will deign to rebuke the winds and the sea, and will say: Calm down, be at peace. And there will be great peace ".

Holy Mary, Queen of Peace, will help us to have peace in our hearts, to regain it if we have lost it, and to communicate it to those around us. As the feast of the Immaculate Conception approaches, we will strive to go to her throughout the day, keeping her more present in our work and offering her some special token of our affection.

Hablar con Dios