Our life has no meaning without God

He who follows you, Lord, will have the light of life. He will be like a tree planted by the edge of the ditch: it bears fruit in its season, its leaves do not wither.1 Our life has no meaning if it is not with the Lord.

Our life has no meaning if it is not with the Lord. Where shall we go, Lord? You alone have the words of eternal life. Our successes, the human happiness that we can hoard is straw that the wind blows away. Truly, we can say to the Lord in our personal prayer: "Stay with us, for darkness surrounds us in our souls and only You are light, only You can calm this craving that consumes us. For among all the beautiful and honest things we are not unaware of what is the first: to possess You always, Lord ".

 He comes to bring us a love that penetrates everything like fire and to give meaning to our meaningless life. The Lord's love is demanding, always asking for more and leading us to grow in refinement of soul with God and to bear much fruit.

Every Christian filled with love for God is the leafy tree of which the responsorial psalm speaks, which never withers. It is Christ himself who gives it life. But if the Christian allows love to grow cold, if gentrification penetrates his soul, he will suffer a serious interior illness that will leave him like chaff blown away by the wind:  is lukewarmness, which renders life unloving and meaningless, even though externally it may seem that nothing has changed. Christ remains obscured, by guilty carelessness, in the mind and in the heart: he is neither seen nor heard. There remains then in the soul an emptiness of God that one will try to fill with other things, which are not God and do not fill, and a special and characteristic discouragement permeates the whole life of piety. The promptness and joy of self-giving is lost, and faith is numbed, precisely because love has grown cold.

If at some point we notice that our intimate life is moving away from God, we should know that, if we take the necessary steps, all the illnesses of the soul can be cured. The illnesses of love, too. It is always possible to rediscover that hidden treasure, Christ, who once gave meaning to life. It is easier at the beginning of the illness, but also later on, as in the case of the leper Saint Luke5 tells us about, who was covered with leprosy, totally sick. But one day he decided to truly and humbly approach Christ and found healing.

"They asked the Friend what was the source of love. He answered that it was the one where the Beloved has cleansed us from our faults, and where he gives the living water, from which he who drinks attains eternal life in endless love ". The Lord always awaits us in open and frank prayer and in the sacraments.

Hablar con Dios