Archbishop calls for sodomy not to be sinful

Advance without further development of teaching

The appointed Bamberg Archbishop Gössl would have liked a clearer position on blessing ceremonies for irregular couples. The Pope did not change the teaching. Homosexual acts would still be considered sinful.

"I thought that if we bless such partnerships, the teaching would have to develop so that homosexual acts are no longer seen as a serious sin," Gössl told the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (Friday).

Now the Pope has not changed the teaching, pastors should still be able to bless homosexuals. According to the future Archbishop of Bamberg, those affected would also have preferred a clearer statement.

Bishop Gössl does not see an end to the blessing debate yet

“I think this is not the end of the debate,” he added. The letter from Rome doesn't change his own convictions, but it probably does change his practice. In mid-December, Gössl welcomed the Vatican document “Fiducia Supplicans”.

This made it clear for the first time that blessing homosexual and remarried couples is also fundamentally possible in the Catholic Church. This would address an important wish of many believers, he said at the time.

The clergyman was appointed by Pope Francis on December 9th as the successor to Bamberg Archbishop Ludwig Schick. The inauguration is on March 2nd.


Cathcon: Never feed the modernist obsessions, they keep coming back for more.