Being instruments of the Lord to re-Christianize the world

The Christian must exercise other human virtues in his apostolic task in order to be a good instrument of the Lord in his mission of re-Christianizing the world: fortitude in the face of the obstacles that in one way or another present themselves in every apostolic task; constancy and patience, because souls, like the seed, sometimes take time to bear fruit, and because one cannot achieve in a few days what perhaps God has foreseen to be accomplished in months or years; boldness to bring up in conversation profound themes that do not arise if they are not opportunely provoked, and also to propose higher goals that our friends do not envision on their own; truthfulness and authenticity, without which it is impossible for true friendship to exist. ..

Our world is in need of men and women of one piece, exemplary in their tasks, without complexes, sober, serene, profoundly human, firm, understanding and uncompromising in the doctrine of Christ, affable, just, loyal, joyful, optimistic, generous, hardworking, simple, courageous.... so that they may be good collaborators of grace, for "the Holy Spirit uses man as an instrument, "7 and then his works take on a divine efficacy, like the tool, which by itself would be incapable of producing anything, and in the hands of a good professional can achieve masterpieces.

What joy those men had when they returned to a friend who was healthy in body and soul! The encounter with Christ made their friendship even closer, as happens in every true apostolate. Let us not forget that there is no sickness that Christ cannot cure, so as not to give as irrecoverable people whom we have to deal with every day because of study, work, kinship or neighborhood. Many of them find themselves as if prevented from coming closer to Jesus Christ: we, helped by grace, must lead them to Him. A great love for Christ will be what will impel us to an operative faith, without human respects, without stopping at the logical difficulties that we will encounter. When we find ourselves today near the Tabernacle, let us not fail to speak to the Master about those friends whom we wish to bring to Him so that He may heal them.

Hablar con Dios