Disease X: A Secret Weapon For A New World Order

Who knows what their internal numbers are. But as far as we can pull together, the psychos at Davos 2024 are gleefully celebrating the victorious genocide of 17 million people from their poison jabs with far more in their sights.

While everyone slept, The United Nations and the World Economic Forum merged. The unelected so called health experts at Davos 2024 are now prioritizing Disease X. The final solution to solidify New World Order domination.

How did we get here? It began with utilizing Covid hysteria, Dr. Fauci blew up the age old regulatory process for testing new vaccines in order to bring in a host of DNA altering technology. Covid has since been proven to have been created in a lab. Disease X Is lab driven from the outset. Decades of researching human genes in mice and other animals and the discovery of ancient diseases have resulted in the WEF nonchalantly predicting that Disease X with a 100% kill rate “could spread across the world in as little as 36 hours, killing upwards of 80 million people.”

Research has been ongoing at the UK's high security “state of the art facility” in Porton Down. Where a threat list grows of animal viruses capable of infecting humans. Meanwhile, the United States Congress is pushing the bio research bill HR 3832 to further U.S. labs studies of Disease X.

Disease X represents far more than a pandemic of untold mass death. Disease X allows the pharma billionaires behind it to become trillionaires. Funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, supported (CEPI) to invest $1.2 million in a startup to create under-the-tongue vaccine wafers for needle-free vaccines against ‘Disease X’ . While simultaneously allowing the WHO's pandemic treaty to reach into sovereign nations and bypass their governments. A policy shifting trojan horse that was rehearsed at the CLADE X tabletop exercise by the Johns Hopkins Center in Washington,DC in 2018.

As the Expose reported "Clade X is said to have “illustrated high-level strategic decisions and policies needed to prevent a severe pandemic or diminish its consequences should prevention fail.” and “will educate senior leaders at the highest level of the US government, as well as members of the global policy and preparedness community and the general public”

Disease X is coming. But it isn’t some chaotic pandemic we must manage. It is a genocidal kill weapon agreed upon by the worst members of humanity.

