Jesus Christ came to join God and man once again —Piccarreta

October 30, 1902 – Jesus Christ came to join God and man once again.

This morning, as I was in a sea of worries and of tears because of the total abandonment of my highest Good, while feeling consumed by the pain, I felt my mind being estranged, and I saw blessed Jesus sustaining my forehead with His hand; and something like a light which contained many words of truths inside. 

I can barely remember this – that is: when our humanity untied the bond of obedience which God had placed between Himself and the creature, a bond which, alone, united God and man, it became dispersed; and Jesus Christ, taking on human nature and making Himself our head, came to reunite the dispersed humanity, and with His obedience to the Volition of the Father, He came to join God and man once again. 

But this indissoluble union is strengthened further according to our obedience to the Divine Volition.” After this, I no longer saw my dear Jesus, and that light withdrew together with Him.

Book of Heaven, vol 4

Luisa Piccarreta