Bergoglio's pectoral cross (up) represents the false Good Shepherd with his arms crossed in the form of an X on his chest, the same symbol as the Satanist Aleister Crowley (first from the left in the first image), the Freemasons, the Masonic clergy and the Illuminati who await the Antichrist and his world domination:
Much can be gathered from the "Osiris is risen" symbology
The wicked are looking forward to the end and the beasts arrives from the pit
What many do not understand is our enemy is ancient and goes by many names. Satan was there in the beginning. He is still here today
He is the trickster of death and time, leading the foolish astray in countless generations
Same for the beast who was, is not, and yet is
Just because Christians know him as the antichrist, doesn't mean he isnt “Osiris" incarnate to the wicked
The bottomless pit and the underworld from their "myth" is the same. Osiris risen is the beast who ascendeth from the bottomless pit
This is what the ruling class looks forward to. They hail the beast and the age of the iron mixed with clay through their gesturing
The world is transitioning in real time for the beasts arrival
Technological control, famine, pestilence, war, economic collapse, and one world governance will follow suit
The Book of Revelation is no ancient fable. This is reality