Sacramental Communion


 For our part, we should strive to approach Christ with the faith of that woman, with her humility, with those great desires to be healed of the ills that afflict us. "Who are we, that we should be so close to Him? Like that poor woman in the crowd, He has offered us an opportunity. And not to touch a little bit of His garment, or for a moment the end of His cloak, the border. We have Him. He gives Himself totally to us, with His Body, with His Blood, with His Soul and with His Divinity. We eat Him every day, we speak intimately with Him, as one speaks with the Father, as one speaks with Love ". It is a reality, as is our existence and the world and the people we meet every day as we walk. Under the sacramental species is contained truly, really and substantially the glorious Body of Christ with his soul and his divinity, the same one who was born of Holy Mary, the one who remained for forty days with his disciples after the Resurrection, the one who after his Ascension into Heaven watches over our earthly journey.

Communion is not a reward for virtue, but nourishment for the weak and needy; for us. And our Mother the Church exhorts us to receive Communion frequently, daily for those who are able, and at the same time insists that we make every effort to put aside routine, lukewarmness and lack of love, that we purify our souls of venial sins through acts of contrition and frequent Confession and, above all, that we never receive Communion with any shadow of grave sin, without having first approached the sacrament of Forgiveness. In the face of minor faults, the Lord asks us to do what is within our power: repentance and the desire to avoid minor faults, to repent of them and to avoid them. In the face of minor faults, the Lord asks of us what is within our reach: repentance and the desire to avoid them. In addition to properly disposing the soul with acts of faith, hope and love, it is also necessary to dispose the body: not to have taken any food for an hour before and to approach the sacrament with due reverence, properly dressed, etc. It is the naturalness of the Christian who manifests the naturalness of the soul. It is the naturalness of the Christian who shows the proper respect for the one to whom he is most owed, and the consequence of the faith of the one who knows to which Banquet he has been invited. "It is necessary that our whole outward bearing gives, to those who see us, the sensation that we are preparing for something great "

Love for Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist will manifest itself in the way of giving thanks after Communion; love is ingenious and knows how to find its own ways of expressing gratitude. And this even if the soul finds itself in the most complete aridity. Aridity is not lukewarmness, but love in which sentiment is absent, but which impels us to make a greater effort and to ask for help from Heaven's intercessors, such as the Guardian Angel himself, who will render us great services on this, as on other occasions.

Even the distractions themselves should help us to be more fervent in giving thanks to the Lord for the incomparable good of having visited us. Everything should help us so that in those minutes in which we have God Himself, we find ourselves in the best possible dispositions within our many limitations.

The Virgin, Our Lady, will help us to prepare our soul with that purity, humility and devotion with which she received him after the Angel's announcement.

Hablar con Dios