The "Divine Bank" gives a hundredfold

Children of My Divine Heart, I am the Good Shepherd who gives His life for His sheep, but My sheep want nothing to do with Me and live as they please, without taking care of themselves. For they are deceived by the things of the world and believe that I demand much of them and that the world gives them pleasures and joys. I, Jesus, speak to you.

But children, each one then reaps the fruits of his works and he who has lived only for the delight of himself, will reap bitterness and pain, for he who lives only for himself, gives little to himself, for I alone am infinitely rich and powerful and I can more than satisfy you in all your needs and in your thirst for joy. I, Jesus, speak to you.

He who invests his life in himself, makes a bad investment, it is the same as he who keeps money in a drawer, he will not collect interest and the money will not grow, but if he negotiates it and invests it wisely, he will collect interest and his money will grow. A bad bank is the selfishness of each one and I am the only true "Divine Bank" that gives a hundredfold. I, Jesus, speak to you.

I seek, pursue and call My sheep but they do not want to listen to Me, they turn a deaf ear and deceive themselves saying that they will come to Me a little later, losing as many graces as they lose and as much spiritual joy that only I can give them

My children, that I came to Earth for your love, that I desire to give you the Heavenly Homeland eternally, I cannot force you to love Me or to follow Me, but that does not mean that I do not suffer when I see you so lost in this ephemeral life. I ask you to come to Me, to My Divine Heart which is a true Refuge against all kinds of evils, because children, those of you who are in tribulation by being faithful to Me, I purify you for more heavenly crown and joy. I, Jesus, speak to you and call you. My peace be to all who read these messages and put them into practice.