The best of mothers

With her motherly vigilance, Our Lady continues to give her Son the care that she offered him here on earth. Now she does it with us, for we are members of the Mystical Body of Christ: she sees Jesus in every Christian, in every person. And as Coredemptrix, she feels the urgency of incorporating us definitively into the divine life. She will always be the great help in overcoming difficulties and temptations and the great ally in the apostolate that, as Christians in the midst of the world, we have to carry out in the place where we are: "Call upon the Blessed Virgin; do not cease to ask her to always show herself your Mother: "monstra te esse Matrem", and to obtain for you, with the grace of her Son, clarity of good doctrine in your intelligence, and love and purity in your heart, so that you may know how to go to God and bring him many souls ".

 This ejaculatory prayer - Monstra te esse Matrem! taken from the liturgy , can serve us to be united to her especially on this day: My Mother, show that you are Mother... in this need and in that need..., with this friend... who is slow to approach your Son....

At the beginning of a new year, let us take the opportunity to make a firm resolution to go through it day by day hand in hand with Our Lady. We will never be safer. Let us do as St. John the Apostle did when Jesus gave Mary to him, in the name of all, as his Mother: "From that moment," writes the Evangelist, "the disciple received her into his home. With what love, with what delicacy you would treat her! This is how we must do it in every day of this new year and always.

Hablar con Dios