Holy water

The life of Jesus is summarized in the Acts of the Apostles with these words: He went about doing good and delivering all who were oppressed by the devil22. And St. John, treating of the reason for the Incarnation, explains: For this purpose the Son of God came, to undo the works of the devil.

Christ is the true conqueror of the devil: now the prince of this world will be cast out,24 Jesus will say at the Last Supper, a few hours before the Passion. God "has decided to enter human history in a new and definitive way, sending his Son in our flesh, in order to wrest men through him from the power of darkness and Satan ".

The devil, however, continues to hold a certain power over the world to the extent that men reject the fruits of redemption. He has dominion over those who, in one way or another, voluntarily surrender to him, preferring the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of grace. For this reason, we should not be surprised to see evil triumph here on so many occasions and justice be harmed.

It should give us great confidence to know that the Lord has left us many means to overcome and to live in the world with the peace and joy of a good Christian. Among these means are: prayer, mortification, frequent reception of the Holy Eucharist and Confession, and love for Our Lady.

. With Our Lady we are always safe. The use of holy water is also an effective protection against the influence of the devil: "You ask me why I always recommend to you, with so much zeal, the daily use of holy water. -I could give you many reasons. This one from the Saint of Avila will suffice for sure: "There is nothing from which the demons flee more, so as not to return, than holy water"".

John Paul II exhorts us to pray being more aware of what we say in the last petition of the Our Father: "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from Evil, from the Evil One. Grant, O Lord, that we may not yield to the infidelity to which he who has been unfaithful from the beginning seduces us ". Our effort during these days of Lent to improve our fidelity to what we know that God asks of us, is the best manifestation that in the face of the Non serviam of the devil, we want to put our personal Serviam: I will serve you, Lord.

Hablar con Dios