Let us not lower the Gospel

In this effort to spread the faith, always with respect and appreciation for people, there is no room for transmitting half-truths for fear that the fullness of the truth and the demands of an authentic Christian life might clash with the fashionable thinking and the gentrification of many. Truth has no middle ground, and sacrificial love admits no compromise. Fidelity to the doctrine is a condition of every apostolate, even if it is difficult to fulfill in some cases, and even requires heroic behavior, or at least full of fortitude. One cannot omit themes such as generosity in providing the means to have a large family, the demands of social justice, full surrender to God when He calls us to follow Him…. 

We cannot pretend to please everyone by diminishing, according to human convenience, the demands of the Gospel: "We speak," St. Paul wrote to the Thessalonians, "not as one who seeks to please men, but God alone. It is not a good way to pretend to make the Gospel easy, silencing or lowering the mysteries to be believed and the norms of conduct to be lived. No one has preached or will preach the Gospel with greater credibility, energy and attractiveness than Jesus Christ, and there were those who did not follow him faithfully. Nor can we forget that, today as always, we preach Christ crucified, a scandal for the Jews, folly for the Gentiles, but the power of God for those who are called, whether Jews or Greeks

 However, we must always strive to adapt ourselves to the capacity and circumstances of those whom we intend to lead to the Lord, as he teaches us throughout the Gospel, which he made accessible to all.

Fidelity to Christ leads us to transmit faithfully and effectively what we have received. Now, as in the time of the first Christians, when the first evangelization of Europe and the world began, we must announce to our friends and acquaintances, to our colleagues... the Good News of divine mercy, the joy of following Christ closely in the midst of our work. And this proclamation entails the need to change our lives, to do penance, to renounce ourselves, to be detached from material goods, to be chaste, to humbly seek divine forgiveness, to correspond to what He wants from each one of us from eternity.

The desire for many to follow Christ should spur us to live charity better with everyone, to do more to bring them closer to the Lord who is waiting for them: the charity of Christ urges us!. This was the driving force behind the untiring apostolic activity of St. Paul, and it will also be what impels us; love for the Lord will lead us to feel the apostolic urgency and not to waste any occasion that presents itself to us. Indeed, in many circumstances we will be the ones to provoke these opportunities, which otherwise would never take place.

Everyone is looking for you... The world hungers and thirsts for God. For this reason, along with charity, there is hope. Our friends and acquaintances, even the most distant, also have needs and desires for God, even if they often do not manifest them. And, above all, the Lord is looking for them.

Let us ask the Blessed Virgin for the apostolic and proselytizing zeal that the Apostles and the first Christians had.

Hablar con Dios