This Planet is about to be involved in a great disaster

Carbonia 11.04.2024

Mary Most Holy comes to you to announce the arrival of a comet: it will be the end of an old time and the beginning of a new one, of an era of peace.

Write, my daughter, what I have to tell you is important.

We are at the end of an old time, the new one opens its doors to the children of God!

Prepare yourselves for the knowledge of a new era. Smile, oh you who have said your yes to your Creator God!

Rejoice, My children, of life in joy and infinite love.

The Father is dictating His Law! He is declaring the end of an old time and the beginning of a new time. God's Law is one, and one it shall be forever.

The Angels of Heaven fly to Earth, descend to help the children of God, bring their help to the weakest.

The Earth is about to open, there will be a crack that will bring pain to many men.

The sky is about to be tinged with red fire.

The temple of Jerusalem will lose its glamour!

The floodgates of heaven open to the passage of the Son of Man, the hour of justice has come! Soon in your hearts you will feel shivers of love and joy, ... your being will recognize the coming of the Savior.

Now I tell you, my blessed daughter, put peace in your heart and write what I, Mary Most Holy, Mother of Jesus, have to tell you.

Listen to the truth: 

This Planet is about to be involved in a great disaster, but God the Father sends His Grace through His Son: Jesus intervenes for the salvation of many with His heavenly Army. He will remove Satan out of the way and transform the Earth into the new Paradise. Eden will shine again on Earth and holy men will enjoy the wonders of the Creator.

Zion will present Himself to the world as Almighty God, will raise the dead and will acclaim new life to His faithful People.

I, the Blessed Virgin, will be present at her side and with My earthly Army, the one prepared by Me in these years, I will place My Foot on the head of the ancient Serpent and mark the end of sin. The Father is with Me, He Himself has sent Me for this mission.

Sing, all Creation, the victory of Christ Jesus over Evil! 

Hail Christ the Savior with songs of glory, O all peoples.

Soon shall the Sons of God know the Truth! When their eyes are opened to the Things of God, they shall have wisdom in God.

Behold the Cross in heaven!

Behold, He who returns!!!!

Behold, Grace descends to bring salvation to His Sons.

In His glorious Manifestation the entire Universe will rejoice in the infinite beauty of its God Love, the Creator.

My children, prepare your hearts to receive Salvation.

It is the Lord's Passover, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!!!!!