The Holy Spirit gives us the gift of fortitude

The history of the people of Israel manifests the continuous protection of God. The mission of those who were to guide and protect them until they reached the Promised Land was far beyond their strength and possibilities. When Moses told the Lord of his inability to present himself to Pharaoh and free the Israelites from Egypt, the Lord said to him: "I will be with you. This same divine help is guaranteed to the Prophets and to all those who receive special commissions. In the canticles of thanksgiving they always acknowledge that it is only by the strength they have received from on High that they have been able to carry out their task. The psalms never cease to exalt the protective power of God: Yahweh is the Rock of Israel, its fortress and its security.

The Lord promises the Apostles - pillars of the Church - that they will be clothed by the Holy Spirit with power from on high2. The Paraclete himself will assist the Church and each of its members until the end of time. The supernatural virtue of fortitude, the specific help of God, is indispensable for the Christian to fight and overcome the obstacles that every day present themselves to him in his interior struggle to love the Lord more and more each day and to fulfill his duties. And this virtue is perfected by the gift of fortitude. To the extent that we purify our souls and are docile to the action of grace, each one can say, like St. Paul: I can do all things through Him who strengthens me3. Under the action of the Holy Spirit, the Christian feels capable of the most difficult actions and of enduring the hardest trials for love of God. The soul, moved by this gift, does not place confidence in its own efforts, for no one better than it, if it is humble, is aware of its own weakness and inability to carry out the task of its sanctification and the mission that the Lord entrusts to it in this life; but it hears, particularly in the most difficult moments, that the Lord says to it: I will be with you. Then he dares to say: If God is with us, who can be against us? Who can separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or persecution, or the sword?  (...). But in the midst of all these things we triumph by virtue of Him who loved us. For I am certain that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor virtues, nor things present, nor things to come, nor power, nor what is higher, nor what is deeper, nor any other creature, will ever be able to separate us from the love of God, which is founded on Jesus Christ our Lord4. This is a cry of strength and optimism that rests on God.

If we let the Paraclete take possession of our life, our security will have no limits. We understand more deeply that the Lord chooses the weak, that which in the eyes of the world has neither nobility nor power (...), so that no one can boast before God5 , and that he asks of his children only the good will to do all that is on their part, so that he may accomplish marvels of grace and mercy. Nothing then seems too difficult, because we expect everything from God, and we do not place our trust in any of the human means that we will have to use, but in the grace of the Lord. The spirit of fortitude gives the soul renewed energy in the face of obstacles, internal or external, and to practice the virtues in one's own environment and in one's own tasks.

 Hablar con Dios