Carbonia 27.05.2024
Mary Most Holy is about to enter the shelters.
My daughter, the time has come for our meeting, do not be sad about the situation you are going through, but put your hand on the rudder and with all your strength steer the boat to a safe harbor.
Beloved children, I am with you when you are in prayer with Me. I am the Queen of Love, I come to take you by the hand to lead you to the final battle.
The gates of Hell are open, Satan leads his evil army to suck as many souls as possible, he fights with the ferocity of one who knows he has lost the battle.
My Son Jesus is coming in His glorious Manifestation. Do not be afraid, He comes to bring His help to His children.
All of you who are following Jesus in His ultimate Plan in salvation, know that soon you will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, you will have the strength and determination of those who are already victorious in Christ Jesus for you will be part of Him. Do not lose your way, my children, be faithful to the Law of God.
Beloved children, days of darkness are approaching, prepare yourselves for an imminent blackout.
In your homes organize cenacles of prayer, prepare your hearts, pray without ceasing for the conversion of your brothers.
I, the Blessed Virgin, will be with you, I will join my hands with yours and I will implore mercy to the Most Holy Trinity. As Coredemptrix of the Work of Salvation, I will be your shield: from Lamb I will transform myself into a ravening she-wolf to defend the children of God.
Beloved children, the time has come to enter My shelters, sacred places, where you will remain in constant adoration of the Holy Eucharist. I will send you holy priests who will celebrate the Holy Mass and feed you with Me.
A satellite (sent into the atmosphere by man) is falling towards the Earth:
it will cause a catastrophe.
The sun is in its great explosion:
...tongues of fire will fall upon the earth!
Pray, O men, prostrate yourselves at the feet of the Crucified One!
Ask pardon for your sins.
Cover your heads with ashes.
Return to Him who created you.
You are about to be struck down by the flood of fire!!!!!