Food for eternal life

For years the Lord fed with manna the people of Israel wandering in the desert. That was the image and symbol of the pilgrim Church and of every man on his way to his final homeland, Heaven; that food of the desert is a figure of the true food, the Holy Eucharist. "This is the sacrament of human pilgrimage (...). Precisely for this reason, the annual feast of the Eucharist that the Church celebrates today contains in its liturgy so many references to the pilgrimage of the people of the Covenant in the desert". Moses will often remind the Israelites of these prodigious deeds of God with his people: Lest you forget the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of slavery.....

Today is a day of thanksgiving and joy because the Lord has wanted to stay with us to nourish us, to strengthen us, so that we never feel alone. The Holy Eucharist is the viaticum, the food for the long journey of life towards true Life. Jesus accompanies and strengthens us here on earth, which is like a shadow compared to the reality that awaits us; and earthly nourishment is a pale image of the nourishment we receive in Communion. The Holy Eucharist opens our hearts to a whole new reality.

Although we celebrate this feast once a year, in reality the Church proclaims every day this most blessed truth: He gives himself to us daily as nourishment and remains in our tabernacles to be the strength and hope of a new life, without end and without end. It is a mystery that is always alive and present.

Lord, thank you for having remained with us. What would have become of us without you? Where would we go to restore our strength, to ask for relief? How easy you make our way from the Tabernacle!


Hablar con Dios

Hablar con Dios