Francis Discards the Psalms


"Not all the Psalms - and not every Psalm - can be repeated and made their own by Christians, and even less so by modern man," Francis waffled at the Wednesday audience on 19 June.
Nobody knows what "Christians" means for Francis and who his "modern man" is. While for Christians the Psalms are part of the Word of God, Francis believes that they "sometimes reflect a historical situation and a religious mentality that is no longer our own". The term "our own" refers to Francis, who in this case uses the pluralis majestatis.

Trying to reconcile fire and water, Francis then continued to fantasise: "This does not mean that the Psalms are not inspired, but in certain aspects they are linked to a time and a temporary stage of revelation, as is also the case with a large part of ancient legislation."
Francis has no authority to judge Scripture, on the contrary, Scripture judges him.