One third of the world's population will die!


Carbonia 18.06.2024

A great firestorm will soon strike the Earth!

I am the Blessed Virgin.

Beloved children, I am with you and I lead you to my Son Jesus, I lead you to the Eternal Father!

The Lord God loves you infinitely and awaits your true conversion with patient love.

You are living the end of time, the world is ravaged by fratricidal wars, infinite evil envelops it.

Man has lost himself in the falsehoods of the Devil, he has believed the Lie, he has strayed too far from his Creator God.

The Earth is about to be enveloped in a thick fog!

Evil reigns over this unfaithful Humanity, man has deprived himself of the favors of Heaven.

With all My Motherly love I come to your aid, My children, listen to My calls to conversion, be obedient, may grace come upon you!

Turn away from the world, turn away from Satan's seductions, turn to your Father who is in Heaven: convert, my children, convert!

Soon a great storm of fire will burst upon the earth.

Pray, men, pray that God will intervene to calm the coming plagues:

one third of the world's population will die!
A part will be saved thanks to true faith in God the Father.

Return to Him, my children, prostrate yourselves before Him, only in Him is salvation.

Paradise awaits the children of God! They will be like Him, they will have of Him and will celebrate in Him infinite love and immense joy.

Organize cenacles of prayer, pray for my intentions, pray for the salvation of souls.

The sun manifests its eruption! ...The tongues of fire are directed towards the Earth!

Soon there will be a great drought, crops will fail, springs will dry up. Mankind will suffer for lack of food and water.

Turn urgently to the Lord, implore His mercy, that He may provide for your needs.

History repeats itself, but not everyone knows it! Take the Holy Scriptures and read them, My children!

Be obedient to your Creator God, turn to Him to bring you out of disgrace. Prepare to see things your eyes never wanted to see. Be in communion with God the Father, my children, surrender to His Love and you will be saved.

I bless you.

Most Holy Mary.