Sin, death of the soul

Jesus said to Jairus, "She is not dead, but sleeping. "She was dead to men, who could not awaken her; to God, she slept, because her soul lived in subjection to the divine power, and the flesh rested for the resurrection. Hence the custom was introduced among Christians of calling the dead, whom we know will rise again, by the name of sleepers "

Bodily death is not an absolute evil. "Do not forget, son, that for you on earth there is only one evil, which you must fear and avoid with divine grace: sin ", because "death of the soul is not to have God ". When man sins gravely, he loses himself and God: it is the greatest tragedy that can happen to him. He is radically separated from God, by the death of the divine life in his soul; he loses the merits acquired throughout his life and becomes incapable of acquiring new ones; he is subject in some way to the slavery of the devil, and the natural inclination to virtue diminishes in him. So serious is it that "all mortal sins, even those of thought, make men children of wrath (Eph 2:3) and enemies of God ". 

By faith we know that a single sin - above all mortal sin, but also venial sins - constitutes a disorder worse than the greatest cataclysm that would devastate the whole earth, because "the good of grace of a single man is greater than the natural good of the whole universe.

Sin does not only harm the one who commits it: it also harms the family, friends, the whole Church, and "one can speak of a communion in sin, whereby a soul that is brought low by sin brings down with it the Church and, in a certain sense, the whole world. In other words, there is no sin, even the most intimate and secret, the most strictly individual, which affects only the one who commits it. Every sin has repercussions, with greater or lesser intensity, with greater or lesser harm, on the whole ecclesial group and on the entire human family.

Let us often ask the Lord to always keep in mind the meaning of sin and its gravity, never to put our soul in danger, never to get used to seeing sin around us as something of little importance, and to know how to make amends for our own faults and for those of all men. May the Lord be able to say at the end of our life: He has not died, but sleeps. He will then awaken us to Life.


Hablar con Dios