The Earth reverses its poles! Solar storms are coming


Carbonia 06.06.2024


My daughter, My Beloved, cling to My Sacred Heart and do not be sad, live in serenity, I am with you, let yourself be cradled in My Sacred Heart, I AM!
The trials of life are hard, but with Me all will be overcome and in Me you will have victory.

My Mercy is upon all those who follow Me in faithfulness and love, listen and put My Word into practice, they will have salvation. I wait with love for the fruits of love of My children.

My beloved, do not hinder My Work, do not delay My Plan of salvation: the sky will be stained with blood, the darkness will be devastating!

Repent, oh men, do not plan your future on Earth, pray and fast, sprinkle your heads with ashes, humble yourselves before your Creator God, turn to Him, the times that are coming are terrible! The theater of this life is closing, ... let me have you with me in the new life.

Israel will be attacked, the people will be taken hostage.

The corruption of man has reached its peak, Satan feasts in the hearts of fools!

The Earth reverses its poles!
Solar storms are coming.

Come out of your iniquities, O all people, make yourselves safe by returning to Life.

Soon Heaven and Earth will be united, man will be transfigured into the Image and Likeness of God, his Creator. The human being will change his appearance, he will be light in the Light, ... the heart of man will vibrate in the love of his God Love.

The Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph weep, all of Heaven weeps: ... human beings will fall prey to incurable diseases, suffering will be great.

This Humanity does not want to return to its God, it does not want to repent, it plans its future in a world full of heresies, ... They have lost faith in Me! But, when everything collapses upon them, when they see themselves stripped of their riches, their hearts will break, in their despair they will die, without the Shield in Me, they will lose their lives.

O men, you have elevated yourselves (to the height of) god on earth, you have forgotten Him, you have deluded yourselves into thinking that you have power in your hands, forgetting that the Creator, in His infinite Power, would leave you powerless.

The only true certainty is in Me, the God of Love, the Creator, the One who will now manifest Himself, so that the world may know Him.