Education of children. Family prayer

St. Joachim and St. Anne must have thought many times that God wanted something great from that daughter of theirs, full of so many human and supernatural gifts, and they would offer her to God as the Hebrews used to do with their children. Parents, who strengthen their love in prayer, will know how to respect God's will for their children, even more so when they receive a vocation of complete dedication to God, and will often ask God for it and desire it for their children, because "it is not a sacrifice to give one's children to the service of God, as St. Josemaría Escrivá used to say: it is an honor and a joy, "7 the greatest honor, the greatest joy. And the children "will feel all the beauty of dedicating their energies to the service of the Kingdom of God," because, in many ways, this is what they have learned in the family home.

Love in marriage "can also be a divine, vocational, marvelous path, a channel for a complete dedication to our God "8. 8 This love must be effective and operative as far as its fruit is concerned, which is children. True love will be manifested in the effort to form them to be hard-working, austere, educated in the full sense of the word..., and thus to be good Christians. May the foundations of human virtues take root in them: prudence, sobriety in the use of goods, responsibility, generosity, industriousness...; may they learn to spend, knowing the needs that many are suffering in the world today....

They should learn how to spend, knowing the needs that many people in the world suffer today.

True love for their children will lead them to take an interest in the educational center where they are formed, to be very attentive to the quality of the education they receive, and in a particular way to religious education, since their salvation may depend on it. This love will move parents to look for a suitable place for the vacation and rest period, often sacrificing tastes or interests, avoiding those environments that would make impossible, or at least very difficult, the practice of a true Christian life. They should never forget that they are stewards of an immense treasure of God and that, because they are Christians and thus seek to teach it to their children, they form a family in which Christ is present, which gives it its own characteristics.

Let us ask St. Joachim and St. Anne today that Christian homes may be places where God is easily found. Let us also turn to Our Lady. "All united, let us raise our hearts to her and, through her mediation, let us say to Mary, daughter and Mother: Show yourself Mother to all, offer our prayer, may Christ, who has made himself your Son, accept it kindly".

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