Elites want to assassinate Trump

A visibly angry Klaus Schwab told WEF members that they must keep trying to assassinate former president Trump and if they miss, “shoot shoot shoot until the job is done.”

According to a WEF insider, Schwab is hell bent on finishing the job the World Economic Forum started when Trump shooter Thomas Matthew Crooks climbed a conveniently placed ladder onto the roof of a building owned by a senior WEF member and was allowed by the Secret Service to unload the contents of his AK-15 at Trump’s rally stage.

The mainstream media are desperately trying to suppress this information because it implicates those at the very top of the globalist hierarchy. But the more desperate they get, the more careless they become, and we’ve got the inside scoop and all the details coming up.

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Klaus Schwab’s right-hand-man and self-confessed psychopath Yuval Noah Harari has admitted that if Trump is not stopped, it will be the “death blow” of the “global order.”

As usual, Harari is lying through his teeth. It is patently impossible to be loyal to your nation while being loyal to a global government.

Especially when the global elite leave their fingerprints all over crime scenes that directly affect we, the people. We have documented extensively the role played by the cabal including Gates and Schwab in the Covid plandemic, the mainstream media deception, the agenda to normalize pedophilia, rigged elections… the list is endless.

Now they have left their fingerprints on the Trump assassination attempt in Butler Park, Pennsylvania.

The media are desperately trying to cover up the fact that the worst Secret Service failure in decades took place on land and buildings owned by a World Economic Forum company that supports the very globalist agenda that Donald Trump is fighting against.

That’s right – the building that provided a ladder to enable Crooks quick and easy access to the roof, is owned by a WEF company.

The building that was just 423 feet away from the debate stage, yet was not patrolled by Secret Service or law enforcement because, err, the roof has a slight slope, is owned, I repeat, by a WEF company.

The name of business of this building is American Glass Research. Nobody knows much about it. Is glass research even a real thing? Records show that American Glass Research is owned by a shady company called Indicor.

Meet Roberto Quarta. He’s the chairman of the private equity group that owns Indicor. He is also a confidant of Klaus Schwab and a senior Word Economic Forum member and his profile is listed on the WEF website.

The mainstream media would like you to believe it’s just a coincidence that the young man with Antifa and Blackrock connections also happened to attempt to assassinate President Trump from a building owned by a senior WEF member.

They also want you to believe it’s a coincidence that the photographer who took the photo of George Bush in the classroom on 9/11 just so happened to capture the iconic photo of the bullet used in the assassination attempt.

If that isn’t suspicious enough, the rally was also attended by the BBC, all the way from London, England, and they immediately sprang into action, muddying the waters and spreading disinformation about what really happened on the ground.

Just like they did on 9/11 when they accidentally announced the shocking and unexpected news that World Trade Center 7 had collapsed – a full 23 minutes before it actually did.

It’s almost as though the same actors have information about government inside jobs before they happen.

But in 2024, as global tensions continue rising, the elite are become increasingly desperate and they are making even more obvious mistakes.

Schwab has sent his right-hand-man out on media duties this week, blaming the assassination attempt on Trump and issuing the world with a chilling threat.

According to Harari, if the global liberal order is not restored, the global elite will not rest until they have sparked World War 3.

Do what we say, or we will unleash chaos.

We have entered the season of assassinations and you are going to see world leaders being killed in a massive public ritual in countries that refuse to fall in line.

This is why we are seeing weird election results, like in the US in 2020 when Biden w    as clearly not the popular choice, and the UK and France this year, when everybody wanted Farage and Le Pen.

It’s all rigged.

Any countries that do not fall in line, that is where the assassinations will continue taking place.

Japan is emerging as the hope of the Covid truth community and they were given a warning shot last year when anti-globalist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was fatally gunned down in the street.

While Abe was silenced by the global elite, his legacy lives on.

The people of Japan are fiercely opposed to the agenda of the New World Order, recently protesting in their millions against the authoritarian WHO Pandemic Treaty which is threatening to undermine the sovereignty of nations and allow Bill Gates and Tedros to build a global totalitarian surveillance society.

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, the scourge of the WEF in eastern Europe, was also shot in the street earlier this year.

Known as one of the staunchest anti-globalist leaders in Europe, Fico has consistently called for an end to the war in Ukraine, and he also angered the WEF by ordering an investigation into the COVID-19 response and devastating mRNA vaccine roll out.

Mainstream media declared that the assassination attempt on Fico was “entirely justified” due to his beliefs in what they describe as “dangerous conspiracy theories.”

Iran’s President Raisi was willing to work with Trump to achieve world peace, a scenario that terrified the global elite. He was found dead in May after his helicopter crashed in the mountains.

Hungary’s Viktor Orban understands he is on the global elite’s hit list and is taking precautions and Trump must do the same because the attacks are not going to stop coming.

Schwab said “shoot, shoot, shoot” and already this week we have had the Butler Park assassination attempt and two murderous psychopaths neutralized at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

Now, according to a WEF insider citing a WEF memo, they are planning to take out Trump in the same way they have removed other troublesome world leaders. They want to blow his brains out in front of TV cameras – and they almost succeeded in Butler Park on Saturday.

Justifying the decision by stating the “world will be better off without Donald Trump,” the WEF memo cites Trump’s steady popularity despite everything the elite have thrown at him including unprecedented lawfare and years of increasingly extreme mainstream media rhetoric.

Harari, speaking on behalf of the global elite, wasn’t joking when he said they would create chaos.

The phrase “Order From Chaos” is the motto of the New World Order.

Loosely based on the latin phrase, “Ordo Ab Chao”, this is how the elite plan to impose totalitarian control over society, first by creating chaos through various forms of subterfuge, then using this as an excuse to impose their authoritarian global order.

But it’s not too late for us to make a stand and destroy their plans. Despite their best laid plans, the future is not written and it does not belong to the elites.

More and more people are waking up and seeing the global elite for what they always have been: deranged psychopaths intent on destruction and domination.

It’s our duty to continue shining a light on the darkness and waking up as many people as possible. This is how we defeat them.

Here at the People’s Voice we want you to join us in our mission to spread the word and defeat the evil. Subscribe to the channel, tell your friends and family about us, and join the People’s Voice Locals community and check out the new forum. I hope to see you there.

