I decided to `come out of the closet´

 A particular and surprising testimony of the priest identified as Father Alvaro, went viral on Facebook.  

The Catholic page Sem.Charlie #EvangelizandoAndo shared  the words of this priest who decided, according to what he posted, to come out of the closet writing the following:

"As you hear it, this year I decided to come out of the closet. After seeing so many people who boast about their 'diversities' and applaud them and tell them 'how brave', etc.. I asked myself why not me? So I made the decision, this year Father Alvaro would come out of the closet", he began his testimony.

The priest continues: "I made up my mind and took my cassock out of the closet, starting in January I began to wear it daily from morning to bedtime. Just like that, without solemn announcements, without giving it much thought, without prior explanations. Without seeking praise for it and without being afraid of mockery, insults or strange looks.

Result of his decision

"What was my surprise? Many," wrote this priest:

First, that he never imagined the happiness he felt when he wore his cassock.

Second, that he received no ridicule from anyone except, unfortunately, from another priest.

Third, that many mistook him as a member of another community when he was a diocesan, and this made him question whether his community in general had become secularized so as not to be seen as priests

On a general level, this reflection contemplates the lack of priests in cassocks on a daily basis. They fulfill their apostolic mission in the streets.

This priest calls the different communities to question themselves if there are wrong criteria in their decision not to wear their badges as clergymen.

If you want to read the testimony in general you can read it here:

Posted by Sem. Charlie #EvangelizandoAndo on Thursday, May 23, 2019