Woe to him who, for lack of education of his children, would spoil them in God's plan of salvation! Woe to him!
The children are the men of the future, and they will integrate society, and society will be what the children will be when they grow up. I, Spirit of God, speak to you.
But children of God, children are being educated worse and worse. You think that to love them is to deny them nothing. You leave them in their rooms with their computers and games for hours on end, without anyone watching them or knowing what they are doing. Those children in that isolation are being prey to Satan who is busy preparing them to be his collaborators in the plans of destruction of the Holy Mother Church.
The parents, as long as they leave them alone, do not watch them, and there, in the solitude of their rooms, those children receive from the enemy all kinds of ideas and bad concepts and, in their own home, they are forming true delinquents and people without any morals whatsoever. I, the Spirit of God, speak to you.
There are more and more minors who have no faith and who take religion with mockery. More and more children are losing their innocence, they are full of malice, obscene ideas, unhealthy, impure and violent desires. This world is creating a monstrous generation, for today a minor is sometimes more frightening than an adult, so children of God, be aware of this and educate your children in the fear and love of God and in the service of others.
Woe to him who, for lack of education of his children, would spoil them in God's plan of salvation, woe to him! Fathers and mothers more concerned about their closets, their cars than about the good formation of their children. You have to reprimand them, to correct them, to PUNISH them. Nowadays you do not want to punish your children, but a suitable punishment can be very beneficial in their formation. You have to teach them morality, respect for others, honesty, not to steal in any form, and you will be asked to account for how you have educated your children, not for the games you have bought them, or the places you have taken them to visit.
Parents! those children that God has given you have to return to God, and you leave them at the mercy of Satan because you do not clarify concepts of morality and honesty. I tell you that your punishment will be tremendous if you do not lead your children on paths of salvation, because they themselves will accuse you before God's judgment of the bad education you have given them. I, Spirit of God, speak to you and warn you. The peace of the Most Holy Trinity be with you all.
Yo. Jesús, os hablo