A great solar storm is about to hit the Earth

Carbonia 12-10-2024

A great solar storm is about to hit the Earth.

Your life belongs to Heaven, my children, you are God's creatures and to God you must return.

This time you have left is in the transformation of everything, your weak heart will be strengthened in the love of God, you will be bold in battle and you will be victorious in God.

Your life is in God's hands, do not turn away from Him to save yourself.

Look, you have already made your contribution to the Lord, you have given your life to Him, I ask you not to waver, not to lose yourselves in the dark forest, to stand firm in the faith because now the test you will have to overcome will be hard and if you are not firm in the faith, you will not triumph, you will waver.

Do not think anymore about the things of this world, abandon everything because everything will be swept away by a great hurricane, a great solar storm is about to hit the Earth.

My children, you cannot yet understand, but the disaster will be great? Your eyes must see in order to understand! It is important that your soul be placed safely in My holy hands. I present your offerings daily, to our Father, through the Lord Jesus Christ.

The hours pass, they pass quickly, My children, time is shortening, ...you will stand before the Lord in a space of time and you will understand everything about your life, your past and your earthly course.


You will ask forgiveness for your sins, you will take refuge in the Sacred Heart of your Lord Jesus Christ, you will embrace Him, you will rejoice in Him and you will enjoy Him forever if you choose to be with Him from this moment on.

I repeat, the battle will be hard, the trials strong, but if you remain firm in your faith in Christ Jesus and in My Immaculate Heart you will triumph with Me.

Go ahead! The battle is open, My children are ready, behold, I keep you in Me and I am already bringing you victorious to the triumph of My Immaculate Heart.