An unrepeatable vocation



Vocation is an immense gift, for which we must give continuous thanks to God. It is the light that illuminates the way: work, people, events? Without it, without the knowledge of that specific will of God that leads us straight to Heaven, we would be with the weak candle of our own will, with the danger of stumbling at every step. Vocation provides us with light, and also with the graces necessary to emerge strengthened from all the incidents of life. "In vocation, man, in a definitive way, knows himself, knows the world, and knows God. It is the point of reference from which every human being can judge with fullness all the situations through which he has gone through and is going through in his life". To know ever more deeply this particular divine will is always a reason for hope and joy.

With our vocation we receive an invitation to enter into divine intimacy, to a personal relationship with God, to a life of prayer. Christ calls us to make Him the center of our existence, to follow Him in the midst of our daily realities: home, office, business...; and to know other people as persons and children of God, that is, as beings with value in themselves, objects of God's love, and whom we are to help in their material and spiritual needs. And this is not to ideal beings, but to the ordinary people we see every day, with their virtues and their defects.

The divine will can present itself to us all at once, like a dazzling light that fills everything, as was the case with St. Paul on the road to Damascus, or it can reveal itself little by little, in a variety of small events, as God did with St. Joseph. "In any case, it is not only a matter of knowing what God wants from us, from each one of us, in the various situations of life. It is necessary to do what God wants, as Mary, the Mother of Jesus, reminds us in her words to the servants at Cana: 'Do whatever he tells you' (Jn 2:5). And to act in fidelity to God's will, one must be capable and become ever more capable (...). This is the marvelous and demanding task that awaits all the lay faithful, all Christians, without pause: to know more and more the riches of faith and Baptism and to live them with increasing fullness". This fullness will be realized day by day, being faithful in the small things, responding to the graces that the Lord pours out each day so that we may fulfill with perfection, with love, the duties of each moment. And this on the days in which we find ourselves with more capacity and also on those days in which everything seems to be more difficult.