Canada starts euthanizing the v. injured


BREAKING NEWS: Canada starts euthanizing the COVID-19 Vaccine Injured. Ontario doctors have murdered the first Vaccine Injured man and are coming for the rest! So this is the latest BREAKING NEWS out of Canada. Doctors have started killing off the COVID-19 Vaccine Injured, something I repeatedly predicted would happen. You really can't make this up (this was reported by the National Post on Oct.24, 2024): "An Ontario man in his late 40s with a history of mental illness died by euthanasia after his assisted death assessors decided that the most reasonable explanation for his physical decline was a post COVID-19 “vaccination syndrome.”" If you're reading this, read it a few times and let it sink in. Because this will impact the rest of the world. "Identified as “Mr. A,” the man experienced “suffering and functional decline” following three vaccinations for SARS-CoV-2" "his MAID assessors “opined that the most reasonable diagnosis for Mr. A’s clinical presentation (severe functional decline) was a post-vaccine syndrome, in keeping with chronic fatigue syndrome.”" I'll stop there, because the story just keeps getting worse. I've predicted this in dozens of articles and interviews over the past year, and I don't think anyone listened, or took me seriously, but here we are. MAID will become the main vehicle to kill off the COVID-19 Vaccine injured. Everyone involved in the COVID-19 Vaccine Fraud wants the Vaccine injured dead: ➡️ doctors who gave the shots (you can tell by how they treat or abandon the vaccine injured). ➡️ scientists who pushed the mRNA fraud (they despise the vaccine injured and viciously attack them online) ➡️ media and propagandists for big pharma (they ignore the vaccine injured and minimize the damage done to them - gaslighting) ➡️ compromised health officials (they reject all vaccine injury reports or bury them) ➡️ politicians (they pretend vaccine injuries don’t exist and aren’t a serious issue to be addressed) Since the Vaccine cult is a death cult, it was always going to go this way for the mRNA vaccine injured. That’s why the Vaccine Injured receive no support, no funding, no research, no treatment and no compensation. It’s not nice for me to say this, but the goal of the Vaccine Cartel was always to kill off the Vaccine Injured. They represent too much evidence - evidence of vaccine fraud, contaminated vaccines, etc. The next step will be scaling up the MAID killings of the vaccine injured, as hundreds of thousands of Canadians are severely COVID-19 Vaccine Injured. Since

is staying on, we can expect this process to accelerate. Article Link in photo to avoid shadowban, just re-type the URL in the 1st photo at the top, into your browser to access