Only one thing is necessary, personal holiness


Only one thing is necessary: growing friendship with the Lord. "This must be the goal and constant design of our heart Everything that separates him from this, however great it may seem to us, must have a secondary or, better said, the last place of all. We must even consider it as a positive damage ", a great evil. The greatest good that we can give to our family, to our work, to our friends..., to society, is the care of those means that unite us to the Lord: the presence of God during the day, the commitment to daily prayer, frequent Confession full of contrition... The greatest evil, the neglect of these means that bring us closer to Jesus. This can happen because of disorder, lukewarmness, even an apparent greater effectiveness in other activities that may be presented as more urgent or important. St. Ignatius of Antioch wrote to St. Polycarp that we must desire this friendship with God "in the same way that the pilot longs for favorable winds and the sailor surprised by the storm sighs for the port.

Sincere dealings with the Lord enriches all other activities, just as inner poverty is also reflected in everything we do. When we see that the multiplicity of tasks tends to drown out these times that we dedicate especially to the Lord, we must hear in the intimacy of our soul that, like Martha, the Lord tells us: only one thing is necessary. The search for holiness is the first thing to try in this life, which must always be in the first place. So, seek first the Kingdom of God and His justice, and all the rest will be given to you in addition, the Master announced on another occasion.

"Thank the Lord for the great good he has bestowed upon you, by making you understand that "only one thing is necessary". -What a great joy it is to be able to keep always in mind that the great goal of our life is to grow in love for Jesus Christ. What a joy it is to be able to communicate this to many. Let us ask Our Lady that we never lose sight of the Lord as we strive to carry out our professional tasks to perfection.