Perseverance in one's own vocation


Elegit nos in ipso ante mundi constitutionem..., the Lord chose us before the constitution of the world. And God does not regret the choices he makes. This is the hope and the assurance of our perseverance along the way, in the midst of the temptations or difficulties that we may suffer. The Lord is always faithful, and every day we will have the necessary grace to maintain this fidelity. Our Lord," teaches St. Francis de Sales, "has a continual care for the steps of his children, that is, of those who possess charity, making them walk before him, stretching out his hand to them in difficulties. This is what Isaiah declared: I am your God, who takes you by the hand and says to you: Fear not, I will help you (Is 41:13). So, in addition to great courage, we must have great trust in God and in his help, for if we do not fail in grace, he will complete in us the good work of our salvation, which he has begun "6.

Together with this trust in divine help, it is necessary to make a personal effort to correspond to the successive calls that the Lord makes throughout life. Because the surrender to God that every vocation entails is not exhausted in a single decision or in a specific period of life. God continues calling, continues asking until the end.... 


At times it may be hard to remain faithful to the Lord, but if we turn to him we realize that his yoke is easy and his burden light7, and that weight becomes joyful. God will never ask more of us than we can give. He knows us well, and he takes into account our human weaknesses, defects and mistakes. At the same time he assumes our sincerity and the humility to begin again.

In the Virgin, Our Mother, is placed our hope to go ahead in difficult moments and always. In her we find the strength that we do not have. "Love the Lady. And she will give you abundant grace to win in this daily struggle. -And those perverse things, which rise and rise, boiling within you, will be of no use to the accursed one, until they want to drown with their stinking rottenness the great ideals, the sublime commands that Christ Himself has placed in your heart. -Serviam!"8.

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