They are balancing the books by lowering life expectancy

"[Trump] should stop the poisoning of the American people...Vaccines are poisoning Americans, and it didn't start with the [C19 jabs]. [But] the [C19 jab] has been the worst by far...COVID was a mass atrocity, whether it was the lockdowns or the injections." Investment banker, former HUD official, and founder of the Solari Report () Catherine Austin Fitts describes for Greg Hunter () how the first piece of advice she would give Trump should he get back into office—and if she were, in theory, one of his advisors—is to stop the mass poisoning of the American people. Chief among the poisons, Fitts notes, are "vaccines." And chief among the "vaccines" is, of course, the COVID bioweapon injections (my term). "He [Trump] should stop the poisoning of the American people. I mean, that's one of the reasons we did this [Solari] issue on water. The American people are being poisoned," Fitts says. "Whether it's the deterioration in the air, in the water, in the food, they're being poisoned. And, of course, the big one is the vaccines." "Vaccines are poisoning Americans, and it didn't start with the COVID-19 [shots]. The COVID-19 [shot] has been the worst by far, but it didn't start with that," Fitts says. "COVID-19 was a mass atrocity, whether it was the lockdowns or the injections. It was a mass atrocity." "This [the COVID scam (my term)] is so far outside the lane of what is constitutional or lawful, and they're justifying it because it was a military operation," Fitts says. The former HUD official goes on to highlight the fact that there are tens of trillions of dollars of taxpayer money missing from the federal government coffers and that most of that has been stolen by the Department of Defense (DOD). "The vast majority of that $20 trillion is missing from DOD, which just happens to be the agency that was authorized to implement a mass atrocity on the American people [via the COVID jabs]. Do we think that's a coincidence?" Fitts asks rhetorically. "The reason we have to pound the drum on this is if we don't fix the finances, their only choice from an actuarial standpoint is to delay benefits or lower life expectancy, and that is what they're doing. They are balancing the books by lowering life expectancy." Partial transcription of clip: "He should stop he should stop the poisoning of the American people. I mean, that's one of the reasons we did this issue on water. The American people are being poisoned. "If you look at the life expectancy charts, from the time the financial coup started, life expectancy in America started to diverge from the other top 19 industrial countries. So, you know, if you look at that chart, 20 top industrial countries, 19 going straight up, and the US, when the financial coup starts, starts to diverge and accelerate down. Americans are being poisoned. You know I travel a lot by car, and and whether it's the deterioration in the air, in the water, in the food, they're being poisoned. And, of course, the big one is the vaccines. "Vaccines are poisoning Americans, and it didn't start with the COVID-19 [shots]. The COVID-19 [shot] has been the worst by far, but it didn't start with that...I'm you you know, anybody who who would do what has been done. You know, COVID-19 was a mass atrocity, whether it was the lockdowns or the injections. It was a mass atrocity. And if you look at the proof we have that these injections are full of mysterious ingredients, and, you know, everybody's tearing their hair to try and figure out what they are and what they do. "But, you know, this is so far outside the lane of what is constitutional or lawful, and and they're justifying it because it was a military operation. Now I will point out to you the Department of Defense. There's $21 trillion missing as of 2015. We don't know what the number is since in part because the Trump administration, with Congress's help, bipartisan, adopted FASB 56. So it's it was $21 trillion in 2015, and we published that in 2017 when the debt was $21 trillion. "So if the debt's $36 trillion now, for all I know, the missing money is $36 trillion. And and if you if you look at what happened, you know, and and the trajectory, the vast majority of that $20 trillion is missing from DOD, which just happens to be the agency that was authorized to implement a mass atrocity on the American people. Do we think that's a coincidence? Because every year you know, I've told Skidmore every year since I started to work with them, the reason we have to pound the drum on this is if we don't fix the finances, their only choice from an actuarial standpoint is to delay benefits or lower life expectancy, and that is what they're doing. They are balancing the books by lowering life expectancy."