German Cardinal: Trump Is a Liar

Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich is "certain" that women will eventually be able to become "priests".

"It will happen," he told the autumn plenary assembly of the Bavarian State Committee of Catholics in Ohlstadt, according to a statement on Friday night.

But he doesn't expect the ordination of women to take place in the near future.

The prelate described the election of Donald Trump as US president as a "deep cut for the political culture".

According to him, Trump came to power through "lies" and "unscrupulousness".

"I don't think a dictatorship is emerging, but this is a door opener [for what?]".

For him, Trump's election means a geopolitical change, because the focus is "no longer" (sic) on the common good of the world and international agreements, but on unilateral national interests.

"The world is not going to end, but it is a great challenge for us," said the prelate, who is paid by the German state.

Picture: Dermot Roantree © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsUesfvatelf