Jesus' advice for the Tribulation


No one should worry in the days of tribulation about their daily sustenance, because Heaven has already provided for this too, and if those who are faithful to God lack nothing in their souls, neither will they lack anything to sustain their bodies. I, Jesus, speak to you.

My children, many of you make all kinds of conjectures: it will be like this, or it will be like that..... You want to know the dates, the time, the year. But this is of no great importance, because your concern must be entirely, to have your soul prepared, not only yours, but also that of your loved ones.

Many of you do not talk about these things with your loved ones because you fear the reaction, but according to their preparation and capacity to understand, you must explain to them what divine justice is going to give to this generation, and My Spirit will see to it that this seed will bear fruit. Do not explain things with morbidity, nor with catastrophism, but do it with tenderness and mercy, without creating terror or panic in those who listen to you about what is to come and what is announced. I, Jesus, speak to you.

You must be missionaries in your environment, and above all, in your homes, but you must be so naturally, without seeking notoriety, only informing as My Holy Mother would do, and always adding to the information, that you must pray and prepare yourselves for the events that are to come.

You who have been expecting these things for a long time and who are very well informed, you must strengthen your life of piety with more spiritual commitments and more prayer, because you, My children, will be sought by the souls around you, your relatives, neighbors, co-workers, fellow students and apostolate. So it is very important and necessary that you strengthen your spiritual life even more, or you too may succumb and fall into betrayal or apostasy in the panic of what is to come, which will not only be material events, but a spiritual war, for which you will need special graces that My Holy Spirit will not deny you.

The tabernacle life must be in your spiritual plan, and if you have time to watch television, newspapers or other things, take some of it out of your daily life, and use that time to pray in My tabernacle, because in this way you will be preparing yourselves to face all that the tribulation will bring you, both materially and spiritually. I, Jesus, speak to you. My peace to you all.