I, Divine Guest, look for souls where to lodge, and in the soul where I reside, I fill it with immense graces.
In the evening of life and when the soul (the person) is already in decay, I try to supply it with its most basic spiritual needs. It is a heavenly work of Mine, because I take away where I must take away and put in where I must put in. And to the soul that barely has merits to reach eternal glory, I provide them with my grace and wisdom.
I am the Divine Spirit of God, the Sanctifier of souls. My work is silent but effective. I always come to those who invoke me, even if it is only once.
Few know how to discern me, because my discernment is also a gift that I give to the faithful of good faith. It is not the work of studies or even of virtues, but the work of simplicity and availability, of good faith.
I am an interior Master who always remains in the soul when she lives in a state of grace and perseveres. If the soul does not have my fruits, even if it practices the sacraments and receives communion every day, it does not do so in the necessary dispositions.
I make the soul grow in holiness, and the more docile it is to my motions, the more it is enriched and benefits from my action.
I live in the child as well as in the old man. My gifts are not the property of certain faithful, I belong to all, and I reside in the soul that is clean of heart and detached from its own "I".
The Eternal Father looks complacently at the soul in which He sees me dwell and, that soul before Him, has a great power of intercession. His prayers are authentic arrows (darts) that reach the Divine Throne and God, who is Infinite Goodness, returns them loaded with supernatural fruits for the good of that soul and of Holy Mother Church.
I am Divine Love, Love of the Father and of the Son that overflows in souls (the love of both) through Me.
Today hardly anyone believes in Me. Everything is rationalized, everything is analyzed with scientific and worldly criteria, but I have always existed and Science cannot corner Me, nor explain Me with its reasoning. I am the Supreme Good, Divine Guest, and according to the degree of (divine) love of each heart, so is My efficacy and the value of My gifts and fruits.
Come, Holy Spirit! This is the prayer that makes Me go quickly to those who pray to Me from the heart and should be invoked in every supernatural action, so that the soul is not deceived and knows how to discern, for I do not deny anyone My discernment if he asks or demands it of Me. I love all mankind and I wish to be honored by the souls and invoked. I want to be a Servant of them in order to work together for the edification of the Kingdom of God.
Praise be to the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
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