Heaven is something that is attained by those souls who successfully pass their tests in this life. Every soul (person), as soon as it is born, has some test to overcome. So it happened with the angels and so it happens with men. God never gives a test beyond the capacity of the creature.
The test is always feasible for them to overcome, not without putting everything on their part, and even so, the grace of God will never fail to have it, because God knows that without his help the soul would succumb.
Each person has his specific test. Priests as such, fathers and mothers as such, consecrated persons as such, because the test overcome, can strengthen them even more in their state or vocation and make them grow in merit or holiness.
When a soul offers itself to God as a victim, it is generally listened to, because that sincere offering, made from the heart, is usually inspired by God Himself, and it is God who chooses the souls He desires as victims and not the other way around. But He needs their consent, and the true desire to want to be a victim for the glory of God and the good of souls is inspired by God Himself and is the soul's rubric, that is to say, its consent.
I am the Divine Spirit, I speak to you to instruct you in truths of faith. There are many things and mysteries that you do not know because they have not been revealed, or because they have not been unraveled
I desire that souls be well instructed and prepared, so that all their actions may be effective and fruitful in the Communion of Saints. You must invoke Me often in your acts of piety or religion, so that My light may reach you.
Heaven is looking for victim souls, souls who want to immolate themselves to atone for so much evil and for the good of other souls. It is an immense act of love not only for God, but also for creatures, because no one has greater love than he who gives his life for his brothers. And although the immolation is directed to God, many other souls also benefit from it, because the infinite generosity of God and His Providence, does not keep for Himself alone, the good that someone offers Him. God has everything in fullness and needs nothing from creatures, therefore, He applies these immolations to other souls, who lacking merits, are about to be eternally lost.
Sons of God Most High, be generous and offer yourselves as victims for the good of Holy Mother Church and her children! For the good of the priests, of the Pope, of the cardinals, of the bishops, of all souls, because even if your immolation is for a determined intention or collective, it reaches God who gives glory to it, to your soul who fills it with merits, to the collective for which you offer yourselves, be they priests or some determined soul, and it reaches Holy Mother Church who swells the scales of good, to the detriment of evil.
I, Spirit of God, speak to you. Peace be with you.
Dadme de beber