November 23rd, 2024. Feast of Christ the King.
God the Father. “The Light is Coming.”
(This Message was dictated to Sister in Spanish, and this is her translation into English.
NOTE: The footnotes are not dictated by
God. They are added by Sister. Sometimes the footnote is to help
clarify for the reader Sister’s sense of the meaning of a certain word
or idea, and at other times to better convey the sense of God’s or Our
Lady’s tone when They spoke.)
Write, daughter.
-What shall I write?
The Blessed Blood that purifies and fecundates everything. The Blood that adorns My children, who receive the Royal Seal that makes you Mine.
All Mine. Always Mine.
The Dew of Blood that unites you to Me.
The Royal Offering to which you unite yourselves, and through which you return to Me, your Father.
My People, wanting to be like the other nations…
[This section above was dictated during the time of the homily on the Feast of Christ the King. The dictation was left like this, unfinished, until God the Father continued on the 19th of December, and finished it on the 20th of December. I do not know why there was such a long delay, but it was very painful and disconcerting.]
[December 20th, 2024]
…rejected My Royal Yoke and preferred the yoke of their reason, of their pride, of their fallen humanity. And they continue to prefer it.1
[December 19, 2024]
Let us continue, Florecita.
When I give a Grace, I also give the means to receive it and make it fruitful and protect it from the filth and vermin with which the enemy ceaselessly tries to soil all that is Mine.
His name could also be “ENVY,” for everything that is Mine by Divine Right and justice2, the enemy craves for himself. He is the eternally insatiable being, for he will never receive that for which he craves; his thirst will never end or be quenched. Never satisfied, what was once his he despised, craving for more. And now even what he once had – everything, everything has been taken away from him – and what he has succeeded in separating from Me through hatred, cunning and deceit, even that will be taken away from him.
Because he craved to be the ALL, he has become the most horrendous NOTHING.
My children, be on guard.
Lucifer was the most intelligent of My Angels – the most exalted, the one with authority and beauty in appearance only inferior to Mine. And yet, look at what has become of him. How he has fallen. [See] the harm and horror he has caused to the Heart of your God by wounding My creatures.
Who rose up in that hour in defense of your God?
Michael, My Most Beloved Archangel.
Inferior to Lucifer in all things except in two – his humility and Love. And this is why he conquered, and conquers and will conquer, and this is why I have placed him in command of all My Heavenly Hosts and as Guardian of My Mysteries.
My little Great Michael – whose cry has become his name, and whose cry will resound through all eternity: “Who is like God?”
This cry, children, shall resound throughout all creation once again, as it resounded as thunder in that hour in which Lucifer-Satan tore My Creation asunder with his pride and was cast into hell.
WHO IS LIKE YOUR GOD, Who rises up on behalf of His children?
Pride has infected everything, children, injecting its venom into the minds and hearts of My children, separating them more and more from My Truth.
Pride clouds My children’s gaze, rendering it incapable of recognizing Me, and, no longer seeing Me clearly, their gaze turns inward, seeing themselves as gods or as demons. But incapable of seeing themselves for what they are: My children.
If you place your gaze firmly on Me, then whatever happens, whatever I permit, you will not become separated from Me; you will walk in My Light and in My Truth, even though you cannot see anything. Your Faith does what your eyes and what your mind cannot do.
Do you see how great and how necessary Faith is? And why I insist so much on it? And why I form you in the midst of so many trials, sacrifices, and pains, so much solitude, darkness and waiting, so that this luminous Faith becomes anchored, rooted, cemented in the depths of your being?
The FAITH that brings with it HUMILITY, the OBEDIENCE to what I ask for, the flowering and purification of LOVE. The FORTITUDE to fulfill My Designs. The ABANDONMENT to allow Me to do and act in you and through you.
[December 20th, 2024]
This is what I need from you above all – from each of you, for each of you is necessary to Me – YOUR FAITH.
It is the Offering that I ask of you, for in it are contained all the other offerings that are part of your sojourning on this earth.
Do you see why, in this time of such great confusion – the supreme confusion, the supreme treason – you need this INDOMITABLE FAITH?
Long for this FAITH, children, and I will make it grow and take root.
Be like the beneficial plants that, taking root in a rocky and hard soil loosen it with their roots, letting the water of My Rain enter and soften it and allow more and more seeds to grow.
The FAITH that is BELIEVING ME, your GOD, your KING, your FATHER.
Believing Me when I speak to you; believing My Words; believing that I will fulfill My Promises even if I seem to delay. Believing in My Love, despite seeing so much hatred, suffering, darkness, and blasphemy.
Believing that I listen to you, that I love you, that I keep watch over you at every instant, even if you do not feel anything.
This is the FAITH that lasts, that endures everything, that obtains everything.
It is your union with Me.
My little ones, I know what you are facing; I know the longing you have to see Me [gentle smile]; I know the pain and the indignation that you feel because I permit so many insults to My Name, so much abuse of My Church – of My Jesus.
I SEE THE DEPTHS OF YOUR PAIN, My children. It moves Me.
And My answer comes swiftly. I will not leave you in the fog of the reigning confusion. I will send My Light. These Words of Mine are a ray of this radiant Light that will soon descend in fullness to illuminate even the most remote corner.
Children, do not be afraid. I will fulfill what I have promised to you. You think, “one more promise that is not fulfilled, one more year that passes without His Action.”
But you do not see what I see – the innumerable Graces that have descended to so many hardened hearts, softening them, allowing them to turn to Me, that the seed of Faith may germinate and begin to grow.
These Graces, children, that descend as the dew, you have obtained with your pain united to the Offering of My Jesus; you have obtained with your FAITH and PERSEVERANCE, put to the test time and time again during this long wait; you have obtained with your gazes full of Love and trust.
Be at Peace, children.
Nothing of what you live is in vain.
Be at Peace.
I Am always acting. And My Action is ALWAYS for your good. ALWAYS. Do not forget this.
I have said to you that this is the time of DECISION, in which I ask that My children – receiving the Light that I give now – would listen to My Voice, [and] differentiate it from the voice of the false Shepherd3 [and] of the wolves in sheep’s clothing. And, having their gaze firmly on Me, allow Me to guide them along My Way [that is] now enveloped in the fog of confusion and of the consequences of all the sins and offenses that My Heart has received, and that have blinded and deafened My children.
It is the time of DECISION for My Priest sons and Bishops, of defending My Truth and the honor of My Name, of defending the holiness of My House, of My Temple, of My Throne.
The Hour is coming to a close. CHOOSE, SONS.
You cannot serve two masters.
And you, My little flock, do not fear. I will never leave you without a Shepherd, for the Divine Shepherd NEVER abandons His sheep, even if the rest of the shepherds do.
Children, do not complicate yourselves with so many reasonings that only lead you to even greater anguish and confusion.
Contrast the words and the actions – not only the public and evident ones, but also the more hidden and unnoticed4 – of the false shepherds5, of the wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing, with the holy, pure and simple Words of My Jesus. Contrast them with His actions – all of them gathered into a single one: to do ALL that I asked of Him.
Recognize the difference between imitating out of love and imitating out of convenience and hatred.
Examine them well, children, for even if in appearance they are the same – similar words and actions – their origin and effects are entirely different.
I will act at the necessary moment to bring to light the traitors, do not fear.
But I teach you, I guide you, and I give you Light – you who love Me in simplicity and with Faith – so that you may recognize the errors and dangers, and help Me to give Light to your brothers.
Be at Peace.
Do not despair.
Your GOD SEES. Your GOD understands you. Your GOD KNOWS.
Do not fear.
My Commandments give you Light.
The Gospel of My Jesus gives you Light.
His Blood gives you Light.
His Face gives you Light.
His Heart gives you Light.
The testimony of your brothers throughout the centuries gives you Light.
My Words, spread throughout the world in this time, give you Light.
Children, do not be afraid. In the midst of the darkness in which you live, you are surrounded by LIGHT.
The infinite Light that pierces all barriers, all darkness, all hatred and fear, all treason and blasphemy.
The Light that descends from My Heart to yours, through the Heart made Flesh of My Jesus – the Heart of a tiny Baby; God in His fullness Who makes Himself so small to bring you My Kiss, full of Peace and the Hope of My Promise, of My desire that you be with Me for all eternity.
Receive My Jesus. Console Him. Love Him. LISTEN TO HIM.
With how much Love do I give Him to you.
And with how much Love He gives you My Love and gathers in His Heart your love to give it to Me and to console My Heart.
You cannot conceive, children, the infinitude of the Love that surrounds you.
Remain in this Love. Take refuge in this Love. Place all your hope in this Love. Long for it with each heartbeat and you will have it as your Jewel, Treasure and Recompense.
Do not hesitate to cast yourselves into the furnace of this Love, children.
There is nothing that My Love cannot purify. There is no darkness that it cannot illuminate. There is no grief that it cannot console, nor wound that it cannot heal.
COME, CHILDREN. And from the Manger receive EVERYTHING.
I bless you, My faithful army.
I bless your families, whom you have entrusted to Me in particular, asking for Mercy and Patience.
On this Holy Night bring them to the Manger and together with your hearts, place them in the Holy Light of My Jesus.
Place all your “darknesses” in this infinite Light. Place all your pain and wounds. Place all your confusions, questions, doubts, anxieties.
Have no more fear.
My little ones, My soldiers, My little children,
I love you and I bless you +
Remain in My Love.
Your Father Who loves you,
Your God Who blesses you,
Your King Who rises on behalf of His People.
- 1I had to write the first part of the Message in the little notebook I always carry in my pocket because I did not have the big notebook with me. When the Lord decided to continue the Message several weeks later, I did have the big notebook with me, and He told me to leave a blank page before starting to write, so that I could copy there the first part that had been written in the little notebook. As I was copying the phrase that had been left unfinished, He dictated the ending of that sentence. Hence the difference in dates, which is understandably confusing. It would be easier to read the Message without showing all the dates and explanations, but I wanted to show how, despite the interruptions, the thread of the Message remains intact, which only the Lord can do.
- 2This phrase is difficult to translate, as it does not seem very clear in English. In the Spanish original what is understood is that He is referring to all the Divine attributes and our response to them – through adoration, praise, love, trust, obedience, thanksgiving, etc. – that belong to Him as to no one else. And that this is what the enemy craves constantly.
- 3“Shepherd” appears capitalized here (surprisingly) because it is referring to the office of the Pope, in order to distinguish it from the offices of the Bishops and Priests.
- 4We can’t possibly see everything that is said and done, but I think He is saying that we should examine not only what they say in the more usual, public way, such as audiences, speeches, etc., but also be attentive to: the decisions that are being made that affect the whole structure of the Church; who is being placed in which positions of authority; who is promoted and who is demoted, etc. These things often reveal the betrayal and the true intentions much more than public words.
- 5He is referring to all false shepherds, regardless of rank or office.