Confidences to a priest. Mons Ottavio Michelini
My son, I am not satisfied with the little more than formal adherence of many of my priests.
My son, I want my priests to participate actively in my Redemption.
I want my priests with me on Calvary; many refuse to follow me in my painful ascent.
I want my priests to be prayerful and active with Me in the Eucharist. Some do not even believe in My presence on the altars; others abandon Me and forget Me; others, new Judas, betray Me.
I want my priests to be builders of my Kingdom in souls, not destroyers of my Kingdom!
I want love from My priests, because I love them infinitely from eternity. The soul of love is suffering: one loves in the measure in which one suffers. But today many flee from suffering, and therefore from love.
Son, I want my priests to be conscious, responsible and aware of their role in the Mystical Body. I want them alive, vibrant with grace, faith, love and therefore suffering.
How much time wasted, how much good not realized, how many obstacles and impediments in my Mystical Body! What a waste of the supernatural... because many, many do not have as support but only a scanty faith, hope and love.
My poor priests who grope in the dark! I love them, I want their conversion, my son.
Therefore are you surprised then if I ask you to suffer a little and pray for them?
I want them conscious
-Jesus, make me understand what you want from us priests.
I have already told you: I want you to be aware of your vocation. I have chosen you with special predilection and love.
I want my priests to be aware of their participation in my Sacrifice, not symbolic but real. This brings with it union and fusion of their suffering and mine. It is not an exterior formality, but a stupendous and tremendous reality: the Holy Mass!
The priest must unite himself to Me in the offering of Myself to the Father. What Mass is that of the priest who lacks this awareness and conviction?
Think, my son, what dignity, greatness and power I have given to my priests! The power to transubstantiate the bread and wine into Myself: into My Body, into My Blood, into all of Myself. In their hands the miracle of the Incarnation is repeated every day.
I have constituted them depositaries and dispensers of the divine fruits of the Mystery of Redemption. I have conferred upon them the divine power to forgive or to retain the sins of men. Like my putative Father, I have constituted them my custodians on earth. But, for many, what a difference between the love with which St. Joseph guarded Me and his neglect of Me in the Tabernacle!
Son, I have entrusted to my priests the task of proclaiming my word. But in what way is this important task of the priestly ministry carried out? The general sterility that accompanies preaching says so.
My priests are entrusted with the task of fighting against the dark forces of Hell, but who takes care to do so, to cast out the demons? To do this one needs to tend to holiness; so also to cure the sick one needs prayers and mortification.
My son, I want my priests to be holy because they must sanctify. They must not put their trust in human means for their ministry, as many do. They must not trust in creatures but in My Merciful Heart and in the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.
Priests are My true ministers but, with the exception of a few, they are not aware of their position.
They are My ambassadors, accredited by Me among men, families and peoples.
They go with the world
The priests are really sharers in my eternal Priesthood. The priest is the protagonist, in the Mystical Body, of great supernatural facts and events.
Priests must be hosts to give themselves and immolate themselves for the salvation of their brothers.
It is a grave sin to think of saving souls with one's own human resources of intelligence and activity. Every external activity of the priest that lacks faith, love, suffering and prayer, is null and void.
The priesthood is a service. The one who serves differs from the one who is served; he does not identify himself with the persons served. The priest must differentiate himself from the souls entrusted to him, as the shepherd differentiates himself from his flock.
If priests saw the greatness of their dignity, the sublime supernatural power with which they are clothed (as St. Francis of Assisi saw these things), they would have for themselves and for their brother priests a great and devout respect.
Son, unfortunately, some seek themselves, forgetting Me. Many others go with the world, even though they know that the world does not belong to God but to Satan.
Some betray Me, others are demolishing My Kingdom in souls by sowing errors and heresies. Others are arid for lack of the vital sap of the soul: love, whose true soul is suffering.
You must therefore pray and offer yourself, with a sensitive correspondence to my invitations, to reparation, to penance, to prayer so that all my priests may be converted. Yes, let them be converted and each one take his place in the Mystical Body: ad majorem Dei gloriam and for the salvation of souls.
Real renewal
-To my question as to what precisely I meant by saying: "I want my priests to be prayerful and active with Me in the Eucharist", the answer was this: "What did I do and do in the sacrifice of the Cross and Holy Mass?
"What thing have I done and do I do in the sacrifice of the Cross and of the Holy Mass? How have I prayed to the Father? "Father, if it is possible let this cup pass from me, yet not my will but yours be done."
Do not forget (as many forget) that the sacrifice of the Holy Mass is the real renewal of the sacrifice of the Cross.
In the sacrifice of the Cross is my prayer to the Father united to the annihilation of my will, total annihilation. There is the total offering of Myself in an act of infinite love and infinite suffering; there is the immolation of Myself for souls.
The priest who unites himself, and whom I want united to Me in this suffering, participates more than ever in My Priesthood. He is never so much a priest as when he does this with Me.