The greatest gift God can give to a creature






There is no greater gift for a soul. Neither intelligence, nor wisdom, nor the gift of tongues, nor martyrdom, nor anything else is a gift that surpasses possessing the love of God, for to love God is the greatest good that a soul can possess. And that creature may be illiterate, clumsy, crude in his actions, but if he has a great love for God, he has the greatest gift that can be given to a creature.

Our Lady had this gift in fullness. She loved with her heart of flesh as no one has ever loved, and she had this love in fullness. I am the Divine Spirit who instructs you, and who reminds you of the true ways of Almighty God, because the true way to God is to love Him above all things, and this which is said to be so easy, is not fulfilled so easily, because the human creature in many, many cases, Hence, the greatest gift that a soul can possess is to love God above all things, and I do not say that he loves Him in the same measure, (as other things or loved ones) but above any other kind of love. I, Divine Spirit, speak to you and instruct you.

Children of the Most High God, ask God for this gift, ask for it before anything else, because by asking for it you will ask for the greatest gift that God can give you. This divine love led many Christians to martyrdom. This divine love led celibates and virgins to perfect chastity. This divine love overcomes all trials, however hard they may be, loss of children or loved ones. This divine love impregnates everything in solid spiritual gold, because it bathes everything with this divine love which is a good far superior to any other that God Himself can give you.

Children, ask that you love God above all things, for if you love God above all things, you will fulfill all other precepts and you will love even your enemies, for out of love for God, you will forgive, dispense, forgive, forget, accept, and even rejoice in times of tribulation and suffering, I, Spirit of God, speak to you.

To love God is a feeling so great, so sublime, such a spirituality, that it cannot be compared to any earthly thing, since the other desires are of the earth, but to love God is a desire of heaven, a desire that exists in heaven and that whoever obtains it on earth has obtained the greatest gift that a soul can be given. St. Paul said that love is the only thing that will last after death. I, Spirit of God, speak to you and exhort you to ask for this gift, and those who already have it, ask the Lord to increase it, to inflame them more in His love. Praise be to God in His Three Divine Persons Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

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