Jorge Bergoglio aka Pope Francis is the 266th and current occupant of the Chair of Peter of the Roman Catholic Church
"Gematria, used in biblical interpretation, takes the numerical value of all the letters which make up a word or an expression and derives the hidden meaning from the resultant number." See Catholic Answers on Biblical Exegesis
In Hebrew Gematria "Man of Sin" equals the numerical value 266. "Man of Sin" value in Gematria is 266
"The man of sin" is also identified with Nero, Napoleon, and the end times Antichrist among other things.
If we look at the 266th entry in Strong’s Greek Lexicon we find the word (ἁμαρτία) pronounced hamartia.
Hamartia is defined as sin, to miss the mark, to err, a fault, failure (in an ethical sense), sinful deed.
Hamartía or "sin, forfeiture because missing the mark" is the brand of sin that emphasizes its self-originated (self-empowered) nature – i.e. it is not originated or empowered by God (i.e. not of faith, His inworked persuasion, cf. Ro 14:23). Strong's Greek: 266. ἁμαρτία (hamartia) -- Sin
Hamartia is also used in Christian theology because of its use in the Septuagint and New Testament. The Hebrew (chatá) and its Greek equivalent (àμaρtίa/hamartia) both mean "missing the mark" or "off the mark".
Hamartia - Wikipedia
Noun: ἁμαρτία
1. error, mistake, fault, failure
2. (religion, philosophy) guilt, sin
ἁμαρτία - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Revelation 13:16-18 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)
And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads.
And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred sixty-six.
What do traditional Catholic Scripture Scholars say about this particular passage in the book of Revelation?
"It might be a mere symbolic number. In a modern explanation, Antichrist may flatter the secret societies by affirming their claim to the derivation of their mystic symbols from Solomon to be historical and thus win them over to become his supporters. They claim that an order or guild was organized among the laborers building Solomon's Temple, and from this order date their symbols. Hence the number 666 (3 kings X. 14; 2 Para. IX. 13) alludes to the income of Solomon, which he is supposed to have spent largely for the erection of the Temple. But this is as fantastic and unreal as other explanations. The number is probably no symbol at all but a mere cryptogram to be deciphered in Antichrist's time." - Herman Kramer, The Book of Destiny, 1955, p. 327
"For the name of Antichrist, St. John gives a cryptogram that will enable the faithful to recognize him as soon as he makes his appearance in the world. This cryptogram consists of the numerical value of the letters in his name. St. John says that it is the number of a man. This may mean that the cryptogram is to be solved by methods in common use among men. It may also mean that the name is that of a definite individual, thus showing that Antichrist is not to be identified with the Roman Empire nor with the wicked in general as some maintain." - Elwood Sylvester Berry, The Apocalypse of St John, 1921, p. 139
Today, computers are in common use among men. Computers only deal in numbers and not letters, so it’s important that all computers agree on which numbers represent which letters. In the 1960s the American Standards Association created encoding called the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). It is the universal "language" of computers for basic letters, symbols, and functions. Each letter is represented by a number. Work on the ASCII standard began on 6 October 1960.
The ASCII Decimal to Character Code is read by all computers and is “in common use among men.”
If we apply ASCII encoding to the letters of the word "BERGOGLIO" we get 66, 69, 82, 71, 79, 71, 76, 73, 79 as Decimal Code.
Curious thing... the sum total of those numbers is 666.