For every mortal sin forgiven, a soul should spend an average of seven years in Purgatory. This revelation was made in Santa Francesca Romana.
From the revelations made to the Saints, we realize that Purgatory is not a summer camp, but a place of intense purification almost terrible as hell. "There an hour of torment will be more terrible than a hundred years of rigorous penitence spent here" (Imit. , I, 24). The main difference with hell is that those who go to Purgatory are already saved, meaning that the suffering will end when the penalties owed are paid in full (could take 1 year or more centuries) while those who are sentenced to hell will suffer forever.
Because of these and other revelations, we realize that gambling on Purgatory is not a good deal, even because there is a risk of aiming at Purgatory but hitting hell.
Here are some important tips to avoid Purgatory:
1-Eliminate the causes of sin and fight every temptation.
2-Repentance (Offering Small Sacrifices to God).
3-Accepting suffering - the will of God. (Example: Do not complain about the heat, the cold).
4-Sacraments (Confession, Eucharist)
5-Prayer (Holy Death and that I be freed from Purgatory).
6-Accepting the death of loved ones (Accepting death as God wants).
7-Anointing of the sick.
8-Save a Soul (Help a Soul to Get Out of Sin). 9-Indulgence (partial and plenary).
10-Spreading the good press. (Publishing of the life of saints - Catholicism).