*Too many do not pray

Febr 25, 2013

“Weep and wail, my beloved! Tragedy and woe! Offer your prayers and supplications 
unceasingly for what is coming to the world. Sin has purchased grave suffering, 
mitigated in part by the prayers of a few. But too many do not pray. Or if they do 
pray, it is only out of self-interest.”

B V Mary: “Children turn to me! Run to me and I will gather you to my heart! Pray, dear 
children, for there is much suffering to come. Enter into my sorrowful, weeping heart. 
My children, I am once again at the foot of the cross. Do not abandon me, but be with 
me to comfort my Jesus, who suffers so much for the sins of the world. Help me to 
comfort him!”

 Jan 21, 2013

James 5:1 Come now, you rich, weep and wail over your impending miseries.

“Beloved children, the idols of this world are stacked one atop the other. Every gap 
and surface has been crammed with worthless “treasures”, things that cannot love, 
cannot save, have no life. Truth and beauty have been buried under mounds of refuse. 
Awake! Awake, my children! What you cling to is worthless! 
Now you will see how  lacking substance are the idols you worship. They will become like
the fog, burned off in the glory of the Son. You will see that what you imagined upheld you,
the very thing you leaned on, is as solid as the air. 
You will fall and fall hard. But, my children, like the good Father who helps his little one to 
stand after each tumble, I will be there to give you more than you had before—infinitely more.
Be not afraid, but place all your hope and trust in me—now, today, forever. Turn to me, my
little ones.”

O dear Father, beloved Abba of my heart, remove from my heart anything that I have 
placed in the spot that should be yours alone. Here is my weakness—give me your 
strength. Have mercy on us all, O loving Father, and when you have taken away the 
idols of the world, let many souls be converted to you. Jesus we trust in you. You are 
our hope! Amen.