*Whoever invokes the Holy Spirit will die in peace

Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified received special messages from Jesus that reveal the power of the Holy Spirit in souls, particularly in consecrated souls. Here is a request she received from our Lord Jesus, which applies to the whole Church: 
"Whoever invokes the Holy Spirit, will look for me and find me. His conscience will be as delicate as a flower in the field. If the person is the father or mother of a family, peace will reign in his family, and his heart will be in peace in this world and in the next. He will not die in darkness, but in peace." 
Here is the message intended for priests:  "I ardently desire that priests say a Mass each month in honor of the Holy Spirit. Whoever says that Mass or hears it will be honored by the Holy Spirit Himself. He will have light; he will have peace. He will cure the sick. He will awaken those who sleep."  Who among us does not long for light and peace!? 
By an order of God, Satan had to reveal to Maryam his tactics: "When we ( evil spirits) lay siege to a soul consecrated to God, we begin by tempting her in little things.Triumphing over a soul who has pronounced the three bad words (meaning the 3 vows) is for us more than being the mayor of an entire city."  
But Jesus said to Maryam, "If, in a city, even one completely perverted, I find one soul, a single soul who is faithful to her vows, I will save the entire city." (See PS1).
Children of Medjugorje Newsletter. May 2013