*Live knowing that you are made for Love

Messages to Linda Noskewicz, May 12th, 2014

Love Me always, freely and with all of your Hearts. This means to give Me all of your faith, your trust, your wish for my Guidance and your confidence, absolute confidence in My Greatest Love for you, My Belovéd Children. 

Do not ever doubt the quantity or Largeness of My Love for you. I am ever with you and I cannot resist Loving you at every moment of your Life. I have made you from Greatest Love and I Love what I have created. 

Live knowing that you are made for Love. You are made to Love. Love is reciprocal in its perfection. There are no conditions with perfect Love.
Perfect Love is boundless and unlimited. It is joyous and BIG. It swells your Heart with BIGGEST JOY. 

Belovéd children, I AM perfect Love. I am Love and will be always. Do not doubt the breadth of My Perfect Love, for it has no boundaries. 

Belovéd Children, I beg of you, do not cast away My Great Love for you. Do not toss away My Love like a loose stone you see on a road. 

Rather, gather it up and use it to build a structure of height and width (a church!). Build instead of destroy.
Take My Love and share it. Do not dismiss it and in this rejection reject others.

Dearest Children, how can you Love when you do not know and embrace perfect Love. You are at a loss.
Perfect Love draws out the kindness and patience and charity and mercy of your Heart. It draws out the joy and compassion and communion and energy from your Heart. 

I am perfect Love and I give you these things and more as a gift for Loving Me. 

When you do not know Perfect Love, you are easily angered, impatient, and ribald. You find yourself unrelenting in your condescension and jealous of many. You are unforgiving and bitter. You do not understand perfect Love. 

Thus, Children, do not reject My Love but embrace it with your entire Heart. My Love is for you, as is My Greatest Mercy.