*When you take the Eucharist, you are One with God

Messages to Linda Noskewicz, May 2014

Make your Love for Christ Jesus pure and joyous and faithful. Love My Belovéd Son with all of your Hearts and with all of your souls. Every part of your very being or self or your entire “you” or existence should lean towards the Christ in Love and joy and in great anticipation of His Love for you!
The Christ who saves is with you always. You are always invited to the table of the Lamb. Know the GREATEST, BIGGEST LOVE BLESSINGS you receive as you are in Communion with the One True Lord. When you take the Eucharist, the very body of your Belovéd Christ into your own body, you are One with Your Lord God. 

Such wondrous blessings you are given and you should understand the sheer and vibrant holiness or Heavenliness or God-ness or the touch of God upon you of that moment of Communion. Allow Me to cleanse you fully that you can feel the Love of your Lord Jesus Christ, My Beauteous and Belovéd Son. 

Take the Eucharist with a reverent Heart. To join your Lord God at His Feast is a joy. All of My Belovéd Children are invited. Not all of My Belovéd Children will come. [This feeling is even more than reverence – it should be more like serious, holy, thankful, worshipful reverence and Love and adoration all rolled up into one] 

Oh Children, believe in Me and in My Love. I am a Loving God and a gentle Father. I do not make your load heavy. I lighten all that you carry and make it My Own.
Love Me and know true peace and purpose and unconditional Love. I do not abandon My Children. Ever.
My Love is constant and unconditional. I emphasize this because My Belovéd Children experience so much pain. I will always give you Love. Regardless of your sins.
You may come to Me in repentance and My Mercy is yours! My Love is yours! It is yours already!
Children, you must pray, for prayer is a strong tool for helping this World against its ailments. Prayer is beautiful to Me and as I listen, I answer your prayers. Have confidence in My Love. Trust in Me always, and know My Answers are made from Love and lead you to joy and Light. 

I give My Children good gifts. I do not give My Children vipers and snakes with which to play. I do not take you to cliffs to walk upon. I give you honeys, not poison, to taste.
Know this to be true, My Belovéds. Do not doubt your Eternal Father who Loves you beyond your capability to understand. I cannot destroy that which I have created and Love so well.
Children, do not destroy what I have created and Love. The World is filled with darknesses and your eyes and ears embrace or soak or drink these things that are so malignant and foul. Your hands close upon the trinkets of this World and your voices parrot the lies and stories of this World.
Hold your hands to your ears. Close your eyes. Clutch nothing and cut off your tongues. It is better to have no tongue than to commit a sin against your Lord God.
Do not be fooled by this World’s gold and power. You will not fare well when the hour comes and you must account for yourself.
Oh Blesséd Children, I say, do not wait. Bring all you know to My Arms, for Mercy is theirs today but tomorrow My Arms will be folded across My Chest and My Mercy will be swallowed inside My Throat and no longer accessible to those who might beg their Holy Father. The gates will be closed. The door will be latched. The oil for their lanterns used up. They are all being given Time. I am inviting All of My Belovéd Children to seek My Mercy today, for tomorrow it is gone.

Belovéd Children, do not be stubborn in this. Come to Me for Mercy and do not face justice in the barren hills in coldness. It will be a terrible time for you.

Prepare, My Children. The roiling clouds come and the doubtful will grow to believers and they will be firm in their faith. There will be those who hate and hate and cannot enclose their hate. It is a dark thing for them. I Love My Children so well, I send this Cross of Love as a sign or chance or opportunity for truth or understanding, that My Belovéd Children turn to Me in Love. I so dearly Love My Children, I wish to have All of you with Me in My Glory, this is My Will.

Many miracles come to further establish the Glory of the King of Heaven, your Eternal Father and God.
Many miracles and much wonder from people who still will not believe; who will not remain faithful, who will not pray nor see the sanctity of the Belovéd Eucharist.