*About the purpose of using a paten

1.  About the purpose of using a paten:The use of patens during Holy Communion are two-fold:  1. First the patens are used to catch the Sacred Host that may inadvertently drop during distribution.    2. The second purpose is to catch particles that may fall from the Sacred Host during Communion.

2.  Whether each Particle is the True Presence:"Christ is present in every Particle of the consecrated Host and of the consecrated wine, when separated from the rest." - Council of Florence DB 698. CT 717
    "If anyone denies that the Venerable Sacrament of the Eucharist that Christ is present under every part of each Species when separated, let him be anathema." - Council of Trent DB 885 CT 730

3.  Whether the Church Fathers were concerned about each Particle:Whether the Church Fathers were concerned about each Particle:What does St. Augustinee say::
"Each receives Christ the Lord, and He is entire in each portion.  He is not diminished by being given to many, but gives Himself whole and entire to each." ((The Catechism of the Council of Trentt, "Christ Whole and Entire Present in Every Part of Each Species." p. 235))

4.  Whether Sacred Scripture refers to Particles of the Sacred Host: During the multiplication of the loaves, which is a prefigurement of the Holy Eucharist, in John 6:12 it says, "And when they had eaten their fill, He told His disciples, 'Gather up the fragments left over, that nothing may be lost.'"
    During the multiplication of the loaves in St. Matthew's Gospel 14:20, it states, "And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over."

5. Whether it is scrupulosity to be concerned about each Particle:
What would St. Therese, patron of missionaries, do if she found a Particle on a paten?
    "Once when St. Therese of Lisieux saw a small Particle of a Host on the paten after Holy Mass, she called the novices, and then carried the paten in procession into the sacristy with gracious, adoring comportment that was truly angelic."

    What would St. Teresa Margaret do if she found a Particle on the floor?
    "When St. Teresa Margaret found a Fragment of a Host on the floor near the altar, she broke into tears because she thought about the irreverence that might be shown to Jesus, she knelt in adoration before the Particle until a priest came to take It and put It in the tabernacle."

 What would St. Charles Borromeo, patron of seminarians, do if he accidentally dropped a Particle?
    "Once when St. Charles Borromeo was distributing Holy Communion, he inadvertently dropped a Sacred Particle from his hand.  The saint considered himself guilty of grave irreverence to Jesus, and was so afflicted that for four days he had not the courage to celebrate Holy Mass, and as a penance he imposed an eight-day fast on himself!" (The above three quotes are taken from, Jesus Our Eucharistic Love by Father Stefano Manelli, O.F.M. Conv., S.T.D.)

6. Whether Church documents support the care of Particles or not:"Priests and deacons must remember that the service of the table of the Bread of the Lord imposes on them some special obligations which refer in the first place to Christ Himself present in the Eucharist and secondly to all who actually participate in the Eucharist or who might do so.  With regards to the first, perhaps it will not be superfluous to recall the words of the Pontificale which on the day of the ordination the bishop addresses to the new priest as he hands to him on the paten and in the chalice bread and wine offered by the faithful and prepared by the deacon: Accipe oblationem plebis sanctae Deo oferendam.  Agnosce quod agis, imitare quod tractabis, et vitam tuam mysterio dominicae crucis conforma." 

 It is from this admonition that the priest's attitude in handling the bread and wine which have become the body and blood of the Redeemer should draw its inspiration. Thus it is necessary for all to examine carefully our actions at the altar, in particular the way in which we handle the food and drink which are the body and blood of the Lord in our hands: the way in which we distribute Holy Communion; the way in which we perform purification." (Dominicae Cenae: On the Mystery and Worship of the Eucharist p. 26-27)

    "Even after Communion the Lord remains present under the species.  Accordingly, when Communion is distributed, sacred Particles remaining are to be consumed or taken by the competent minister to the place where the Eucharist is reserved.(Inaestimabile Donum: Instruction Concerning Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery p. 9)

    "In Memoriale Domini, it states, 'the precepts of the Church and the documents of the Fathers amply testify that the deepest reverence and the greatest prudence have been shown with regard to the Holy Eucharist,' and continue to be shown.  Especially in the manner of receiving Holy Communion some points indicated by experience should be most carefully observed.  Let the greatest diligence and care be taken particularly with regard to fragments, which perhaps break off the Hosts.   (Immensae Caritatis: Instruction on Sacramental Communion in Particular Circumstances issued by the Sacred Congregation for the Discipline of the Sacraments 1973, p. 11.)