*Court orders Catholic Priest to Violate his Sacred Vow

The American TFP, July 2014

If a decision of the Louisiana Supreme Court holds, the Seal of Confession will soon be a thing of the past. The doors will be open for all priests to be called before tribunals to testify about what they heard from their penitents. Those who refuse will be imprisoned. This is not China or Cuba, it’s now America.

The chilling ruling was an April 4, 2014 decision by Louisiana’s Supreme Court in the case of [Parents of minor child] vs.George J. Charlet, Jr., Deceased, Charlet Funeral Home, Inc., [The Priest], and The Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Baton Rouge.1 The court intends to compel Fr. Jeff Bayhi—a Roman Catholic priest and pastor of Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church in Clinton, La.—to testify under oath in court whether or not he heard in 2008 the confessions of a 14-year-old girl that purportedly included information on sexual abuse she was then suffering at the hands of a now-deceased lay fellow parishioner, "and, if so, what the contents of any such confessions were."2

The Supreme Court ruled that under state law the privileged confidential status for Confession is for the sole benefit of the penitent, not the priest-confessor, so that once the penitent has waived confidentiality and disclosed the Confession’s details, then no further privileged protection exists in law and the priest-confessor can be compelled to provide sworn testimony in court on what he heard or did not hear during the Sacrament.

While the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property—TFP and its Louisiana sister organization, Tradition, Family, Property-Louisiana, abhor and do everything they can to oppose the widespread collapse in sexual mores in society, we cannot remain silent when the Church and the Seal of Confession come under attack.

This Louisiana Supreme Court decision is not an isolated threat to the freedom of the Catholic Church. The Seal of Confession has come under fire in recent years from legislative bills introduced in Louisiana, New Hampshire, Kentucky, Maryland, Connecticut, and improper court action in Oregon. Abroad, the Seal of Confession has been threatened in Australia and even in Catholic Ireland.

To our knowledge, not even during the nineteenth century heyday of Know Nothing anti-Catholic mob violence, did any branch of federal or state government ever force a Catholic priest to violate the sacred confidentiality of the Seal of Confession.

Things may soon be very different unless Catholics stand up for their God-given right to believe, profess and practice their Catholic faith in full freedom, without improper government interference.

While the continued persistence of this persecutory trend against the Seal of Confession is shameful in itself, the fact that it is now occurring in a country that prides itself on its defense of freedom worldwide is simply cynical.

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Divine Law Forbids the Violation of the Seal of Confession
If, on the natural plane, confidentiality in legal or medical counseling is essential for the good functioning of society, in the supernatural sphere (where the Sacrament of Confession is rooted) confidentiality is an absolute necessity. The need for confidentiality does not stem merely from a law of the natural order, but from an imposition of Divine Law which brooks no exception.

Confession is a sacrament instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ, whereby the Catholic priest, serving as a visible instrument of the Savior, in His name and by His Divine power, pardons the sins confessed to him. And since Confession would become odious and unbearable if private sins were to be known, an absolute guarantee of secrecy is an indispensable condition for the Sacrament to function. Knowledge that the Seal of Confession is no longer absolute in the eyes of the State will have a chilling effect on all Catholics, possibly leading many to stay away from the Sacrament.